Household jack made from PET bottles. Master's Trick

In some situations, such an improvised jack is simply irreplaceable; for example, with its help you can lift a weight almost from zero. A gap of 1 mm is sufficient for this. At the same time, it is capable of lifting a significant load such as a car wheel, which carries up to a quarter of the weight of the car, the edge of a machine for leveling it, hanging a door leaf, etc. Its manufacture does not require special knowledge, professional skills, material and monetary expenses. Any adult and even a high school student can cope with such work.

Will need

Materials and tools:

  • valve from an old car inner tube;
  • ordinary scissors;
  • empty plastic bottle with cap;
  • drill with drill bit;
  • tire inflation gun;
  • air compressor with hose.

The process of making a powerful pneumatic jack from a plastic bottle

Using ordinary scissors, we cut out a valve with a spool inside its body from an old car or motorcycle rubber inner tube.

We unscrew the cap from a whole plastic bottle, mark a mark in the center with a marker and drill a through hole with a drill.

After unscrewing the nut from the valve body and removing the washer, we insert it from the inside into the hole in the cover and put the washer on the outside and tighten the nut, ensuring the unconditional tightness of the connection.

Then we crush the body of the plastic bottle to remove almost all the air from it and tightly screw the cap and valve into place.

We connect the tip of the tire inflation gun to the valve attached to the bottle cap, which, in turn, is connected to the air compressor hose or simply a hand or foot pump.

Now with the help of such a device you can perform various useful actions. We slip the crumpled body of a plastic bottle under the door leaf and supply air into the bottle, which, when filled with it, lifts the leaf and it can be easily removed from its hinges. When the air is released from the bottle, the canvas easily returns to its original place.

The power capabilities of such a seemingly frivolous jack are also impressive. We run a car wheel onto a plastic bottle that has no air in it, and begin to supply it using a tire inflator. Filling with air under pressure created by the compressor, we lift the wheel to the height of a plastic bottle in a lying position.

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