How to make a bird and mole repellent windmill from a PET bottle

Birds love to eat ripe fruits and berries from trees and bushes, moles spoil and eat root crops. Getting rid of them in a summer cottage or garden is not easy, and sometimes even impossible. By making a simple but effective wind repeller, you can force birds to fly around your area and moles to move to other places. Not only an adult, but also a high school student can cope with such work.

Will need


  • plastic bottle with cap;
  • metal rod or thick wire;
  • washers of different diameters;
  • screw;
  • insulating tape;
  • plastic or steel pipe.

Tools: marker, ordinary scissors, stationery knife.

The process of making a bird and mole repellent windmill from a plastic bottle

We remove the label from the plastic bottle because it is no longer needed in the future. Using a drill, we drill holes of the same diameter in the center of its lid and in the middle of the bottom.

On the side surface of the bottle we draw three identical blades with a marker, which will connect to the rest of the material of the bottle in its upper part, closer to the neck.Using a stationery knife, we make slits along the longitudinal lines and then cut out the blades to the end using ordinary scissors.

We bend the blades in the opposite direction and give them the same bend, bending them with our fingers. We slightly bend the ends of the blades to give the necessary aerodynamics, which will ensure the rotation of the homemade product even from the weakest breeze.

We insert the end of the wire into the bottom hole and string several metal washers onto the wire, which will create noise when our homemade windmill rotates. Next, we pass the wire through the hole in the bottle cap.

Place a washer and nut on the end of the wire coming out of the lid. We bend the end of the wire or wrap it with electrical tape to prevent the windmill from sliding off the axis of rotation. On the reverse side of the homemade product we bend the wire in the shape of the letter “G”.

We insert the bent end of the wire into a plastic or steel pipe, which we stick into the ground next to the beds, fruit trees or bushes on the site.

Our homemade windmill will always be oriented in the direction of the wind, rotate from the slightest breath of it due to its lightness and appropriate aerodynamics, make noise and, thereby, scare away voracious birds and mole pests.

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