A simple doll - a motanka for the fun of children

In the earliest times, when there were no telephones and computers, designer dolls and dresses, our great-grandmothers put scraps and old clothes in chests. In the evenings, the grandchildren asked their grandmother to tell a fairy tale. The story was successfully complemented by a doll - a winder, made by hand, without a needle.
Many legends and beliefs are associated with it.
Beautiful shreds, ribbons and ribbons were set aside especially for making the doll. Since in ancient times fabrics were not as varied as they are now, each piece was worth its weight in gold.

The obligatory condition was not to designate the doll’s face. It was believed that if you depict the eyes of a toy, then a spirit (good or bad) will enter into it. There is another important rule - you need to wind the threads counterclockwise. As for the rest, the craftswomen fantasized as they wanted.
Now let's try to make our own unique doll - motanka. We will need: pieces of fabric, cotton wool, spool threads, scissors, beads and ribbons for decoration.

A simple doll - a motanka for the fun of children

1. Take a small piece of dense fabric of a rectangular shape, with a rough texture, since it should hold its shape well (Fig. 2).Let's roll it up.

Let's bend it in half.

This will be a blank for the body.
2. Use your fingers to form a neck and secure it with threads.

3. Carefully wrap the doll’s head with cotton wool.
4. Cut out a square from light chintz. The length of the diagonal is approximately the height of the doll.
Let's fold it into a scarf.

5. Place the workpiece into the scarf. Let's connect the head, body and triangle. We again strengthen the neck with threads, winding counterclockwise.

6. At the free ends of the scarf we place small cotton balls, like the doll’s hands.

We fix with threads and straighten the sleeves.
7.Use your fingers to highlight the waist. Again, secure with threads.

8.Separately, cut out a rectangle from colorful light fabric. We fold the skirt. We wrap it with threads. We tighten it tighter.

7.What is a beauty without an apron? Let's dress up a doll for them. You can decorate it with braid.

8.Tie a scarf on your head.

The doll is decorated at the discretion of the master. Various beads and ribbons, beautiful pieces of fabric. The peculiarity of the reel is that it is made without a single seam; people sit down to work only in a good mood, investing only positive energy.
All that remains is to come up with a special fairy tale and show it to the children. The great thing is that you can make an infinite number of such characters.
Rest assured, children raised on fairy tales, with characters made by the hands of loving parents, will never forget such special games. And they will pass this legacy on to their children.

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