A pleasant surprise for your loved one "Kitties in Love"

Soon my boyfriend and I will celebrate the anniversary of our meeting. I really wanted to do something nice on my own, so to speak, with my own hands. Postcard, embroidery - this is somehow banal, especially since I often delight him with such surprises. I wanted to do something that personified our love. So I came up with the idea of ​​drawing a picture (it’s a long way from the picture, of course, but there’s still something to look at). I scoured the internet for a long time and couldn’t find a suitable image. But I’m a persistent girl, so I found the drawing from which I will copy. These are wonderful cats - a couple in love, just what I was looking for.

Kitties in love

You will agree with me that you can draw a beautiful picture even without really learning how to draw, you need to have a great desire and initial skills (school). To cope with the task, you need to follow the following recommendations:
1. Decide what you want to draw. You can come up with a drawing yourself or, as I did, find a picture you like in a book or on the Internet.
2.Prepare your workplace and clear it of foreign objects. It is important. Nothing should interfere with your creativity.
3. Select the material on which you will make the drawing (paper, cardboard, canvas, fabric). The density and quality of the material depends on what you will use to draw the picture (this applies to paper): colored pencils, gouache, acrylic, watercolor. For example, simple stationery paper is only suitable for pencils; it will simply “melt” with any type of paint. This is due to the fact that when paints are used, they are diluted with water - and the paper gets wet.
4. Decide what you will use to make the drawing; pencils or paints.
5. Prepare brushes of different sizes for painting with paints.
Here are the main points you need to decide before starting work.
Now let's get to the fun part...

You will need:
  • paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • pre-selected picture.

First of all, visually determine the middle of the sheet, so that later the drawing will not be shifted to one side or the other, but will be exactly in the middle. In my case, the cats’ ears should be in the middle of the sheet, which means the kittens themselves are on both sides of the center. First of all, I decided that I would start drawing with the cat (the one to the left) - this is just my personal desire, you can even start drawing with the branch on which the cats are sitting or with the heart, which represents love. I started drawing with the head and ears, and then started drawing the eyes and pimples (nose). As you can see, I slightly modified the eyes, it seemed to me that this would be more beautiful and expressive, but you can leave the eyes in the form of “dots”, as in the main drawing.The next step was to add shape to my cat, figure out what her body should be like so that she wouldn’t be too fat or thin (head 1/3 and body 2/3). I finished drawing the paws with pads (as you can see, the left paw is slightly smaller than the right) and the tail of my beauty. Next, I made an initial sketch of the cat’s head, “planted” my lovers (one for now) on a branch and drew a heart around them. Here's what I got:

Kitties in love

Kitties in love

Now let's move on to the cat. His head should be in contact with the cat's head in the area of ​​the ears. I drew the cat in the same sequence: the cat’s head, facial features (eyes, muzzle), body (it turned out to be slightly larger), paws with pads. Nothing complicated. I placed a flower in the middle between my lovers (it should have turned out to be an elegant rose). And don’t forget to draw the paws, they hug, just like lovers should.

Kitties in love

Now let's draw the intertwining tails.

Kitties in love

The next stage of our creativity will be working on our heart. In STEP 1 I drew a sketch of a heart around the cats, now I need to add elements: roses and leaves. This should be done so that the outline of the heart is not visible. Our heart is nothing more than a branch of roses, braided around a “couple in love” and personifying tender feelings. It was easier for me to start painting the heart with roses on top of the cats, where the concave corner of the heart is. The roses didn’t always turn out to look like a real flower, but I wasn’t upset, because a lot also depends on how you paint them. You can draw leaves and roses not using a stencil (drawing from the Internet), but as your imagination tells you, which is what I did.

Kitties in love

This is what my drawing looks like in its raw (not colored) form:

Kitties in love

Let's get to the hardest part of our “art”. Let's decide on the colors of our “halves”. I thought it was worth moving away from the real image and introducing my own idea. This idea was to change the color of the cats: my girl turned out to be a blond coquette, and her gentleman turned out to be a fiery macho man with a romantic heart on his belly (but that will come later). The first thing I did was draw out the eyes and pretty face of my coquette. Naturally, I ended up with a blonde with blue eyes, whose gaze is directed at my beloved cat. In my work on cats, I used both watercolor and gouache. Gouache is a thicker paint, so it can be used to create contours or highlight important elements of an image. For the color of the cat I used yellow, orange and white. I mixed them on the palette. First I applied a light (yellow + white) foundation all over my body. Then I added a little orange tint to the palette and added stripes like in the picture. I painted the pads pink, as expected. For a more expressive look I used brown gouache.

Kitties in love

Kitties in love

Kitties in love

Kitties in love

We have the kitty ready, now let's move on to the cat. I decided to make him dark so that it was immediately obvious that he was a boy.
Used these colors:
  • the base is the same as for the cat (yellow + white). I used watercolor;
  • orange + brown + white gouache;
  • brown gouache;
  • heart on the abdomen (light brown and brown gouache);
  • ears and paw pads – pink watercolor.

Kitties in love

Let's move on to the roses. It was possible to choose a red color for them, but it seemed to me that pink roses would look more delicate (it turned out to be some kind of tautology). We apply strokes so as not to touch the sketch; it’s okay if there are light spaces left.

Kitties in love

Each rose should be outlined along the contour with pink gouache, highlighting the petals. And on the petals themselves, casually paint on them, creating the effect of a lifelike flower.

Kitties in love

Kitties in love

We have smoothly come to the end. There are still leaves left in line.
For this step I used:
-leaf base (green + white watercolor);

Kitties in love

-the next layer is green watercolor, careless strokes and edging of leaves;

Kitties in love

-the next layer is green gouache for drawing the contours of the leaves and careless strokes that give a natural look;

Kitties in love

Kitties in love

STEP 10.
Our drawing is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate the branch on which our loving cats are safely nestled.
-base – dark yellow gouache;
- careless strokes (brown + white gouache), brown gouache;
At this stage, you need to try to make the branch look like a natural one.

Kitties in love

STEP 11.
Now our drawing is ready. It turned out great, in my opinion. But I decided to add my own elements here too. Since I am drawing a picture for my loved one, I decided that small hearts and inscriptions of recognition would not be superfluous.

Kitties in love

Kitties in love

Dear ladies and gentlemen, I present to your consideration my creation – “Cats in Love”. Please do not judge strictly, because a piece of my soul was invested in this. I believe that such a wonderful gift will not leave even the most reserved person indifferent. After all, you worked for someone, your work will not go unnoticed.

Kitties in love

Kitties in love
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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