How to paint a cherry in watercolor

Drawings made with watercolors are vibrant and light. Not everyone can learn professional painting. It all depends on several factors:
- the time you will spend on training;
- the abilities that nature has given you;
- the effort you will show.
Today in my master class I will tell you how to draw cherries.

How to paint a cherry in watercolor

We will need:
- honey watercolor;
- rough paper;
- soft pencil;
- a jar of water;
- two brushes (thin and medium).

Steps to create a drawing:
1. Take a sheet of paper. Draw a sketch with a soft pencil.

How to paint a cherry in watercolor

2. Make the first layer in red shades. It should turn out very pale, for this we add more water to the paint.

How to paint a cherry in watercolor

3. Make the second layer more dense. Add tones and halftones. Leave the highlights unpainted.

How to paint a cherry in watercolor

4. We depict our own shadow and the falling one. We draw the stems in shades of green.

How to paint a cherry in watercolor

Delicious berries are ready! Leave the drawing on a horizontal surface for a few minutes so that it dries and does not spread.
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Comments (1)
  1. buzilkina89
    #1 buzilkina89 Guests 7 August 2017 10:21
    Thanks for clarifying. It turns out that painting with watercolors is simple and straightforward.