How to improve the performance of a car air conditioner by almost 2 times

I hope everyone knows how the air conditioner works? To put it quite simply, it consists of two containers. In one, freon gas condenses under the influence of high pressure created by the compressor. This is a capacitor and it is located under the hood. In another container, the gas evaporates. This is an evaporator that is located in the cabin. They are connected to each other by metal pipelines. These tubes will be discussed in our life hack. Go.

How to improve the performance of your car air conditioner yourself

The pipes connecting the two parts of the air conditioner are laid in the engine compartment. One is high pressure. She's hot. The second is low pressure. She's cold. This tube is not insulated in any way from the heat of the engine. And it wastes some of the cold into the engine compartment. In order not to be unfounded, let's test our theory using a thermal imager.

The thermal imager screen clearly shows that the hot circuit heats up to almost 60 degrees Celsius. And on the cold circuit tube we see that the part of it facing the engine heats up significantly. At the same time, the cold we need is simply lost.The conclusion suggests itself - let's cover this tube with heat-insulating material. To make the experiment clearer, let’s compare the thermal imager readings before and after pipeline insulation.

On the deflectors in the car interior, we measure the temperature before the insulation of the low pressure tube. The device shows about 7 degrees Celsius. We remember the settings so that further comparisons are correct.

We will insulate the air conditioner tube with a special material “Isospam”, which is used when installing stationary air conditioners. You can ask a friend who installs it, or you can simply buy it at a building materials store. We will also need metal tape and a set of plastic ties. We insulate the tube with all care and attention using the materials we purchased. Having finished the work, we go to check the result.

Let's measure the temperature on the same interior deflectors, with the same air conditioner settings. The thermal imager screen clearly shows that the temperature does not rise above 4 degrees Celsius, and sometimes even drops to zero. And it was, as we remember, 7 degrees Celsius.

The experiment showed that the operation of the air conditioner became almost 2 times more efficient. The life hack works!

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