How to get a bucket of ointment at almost no cost

The price of 1 liter of birch tar in pharmacies reaches 900 rubles or more. In addition to medical and cosmetic purposes, this natural and safe remedy is used in the household, gardening, gardening, etc. The Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, codling moth and other plant pests are afraid of it. Any adult can obtain birch tar in large quantities.

Will need

Materials, tools and accessories:

  • old birch bark and birch bark;
  • hatchet;
  • sapper and bayonet shovel;
  • 20 liter metal tank with lid;
  • small used saucepan;
  • hammer and knife;
  • firewood and oppression.

The process of obtaining birch tar in large quantities at almost no cost

We start by searching for raw materials. To do this, we go to the nearest forest and find a birch tree that was knocked down by a storm. Thick branches will also work. The main thing is that they should not be old, and the bark should be fresh and not dry.

We begin harvesting birch bark and birch bark using a well-sharpened ax and a small sapper shovel. We put the prepared raw materials into a bag.

We clean with a metal brush and wash with water and laundry soap an old enamel pan and a metal tank of about 20 liters.We bend the bottom of the tank from the inside into a cone under the blows of a hammer slightly outward and make a small hole in the center.

Next, we find a safe place and, taking into account the size of the pan, dig a shallow hole. Place the pan on the bottom of the hole and sprinkle soil around the perimeter, not reaching the top 2-3 cm.

We place a metal tank in the center of the pan and sprinkle it with the remaining soil around the perimeter in order to prevent ash, ash and debris from getting into the hole when the fire burns.

We put birch bark into the tank, compacting it tightly.

We close the tank with a lid and put pressure on top (this can be stones, bricks, etc.). We lay firewood around the perimeter of the tank and build a fire. We ignite from all sides. The fire must be maintained without interruption for 1-1.5 hours.

We wait for the coals and the tank to cool completely.

Then we remove the lid and see that the bark and birch bark have turned into coals and shrunk. We remove the ash and soil around the tank and remove it. In the pan we find natural, pure birch tar, which can be used for various purposes: to improve health, for cosmetic purposes, or to control garden pests.

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