4 ideas on how to make work with a paint roller faster

Painting with a paint roller is much faster than with a brush. But there are tricks to speed up the process even more. For your consideration, we offer several ideas for washing the roller after work, and how to modernize it for painting pipes or large areas.

1. Washing the roller with a screwdriver

To quickly wash the paint roller coat, you need to remove the roller from the handle. Instead, an even rod of suitable diameter is inserted into it.

Now we clamp the rod in a screwdriver, immerse the coat in water, and start rotating. Due to high speeds, water-soluble paint will be washed out very quickly.

2. Making a double roller for painting pipes

To quickly paint pipes, it is convenient to use a double roller made from two regular ones. To make it, you need to remove the handle from one of the regular rollers.

After this, we heat the end of the freed rod, and while it is hot, we fuse it into the handle of the whole roller. After that, we put on the rollers with fur coats.

It remains to adjust the gap between the rollers by bending the rods. Now with this tool you can paint pipes on both sides at once.

3. Casing for washing the roller made of PET bottles

To make a casing, cut off the bottom of a plastic bottle. Then we drill it in the center to the diameter of the roller handle rod.

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A wedge-shaped cut is made in the remaining bottle from the cut bottom towards the neck. It is needed so that when placing the roller, the roller with the fur coat reaches the tip to the narrowing of the neck.

An incision is made in the side of the casing along the entire length of the fur coat. However, the plastic around the edges of the bottle should remain intact. We cut a strip 5 mm wide along the cut.

Before using the casing, place the cut bottom onto the roller handle behind the roller. Then we put it all into the bottle. For washing, we supply water from a hose into the longitudinal section. Due to the flow, the roller rotates, so the paint is evenly washed out to the very base of the coat.

4. Wide roller made of two regular ones

To make a wide roller, you need to cut off the rod of the handle of one of them at the bend. Then the cut part is welded to the second whole handle.

Now all that remains is to align the duct in front of the handle. Then we put both rollers on this structure. Due to the long fur coat, they fit together without a gap.

This way, the new wide roller will paint without skipping.

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