How to make planting carrots much easier with toilet paper

Carrot seeds are very small, it is difficult to sow them at the required intervals, and later they have to be thinned out. To avoid this, it is permissible to prepare for sowing on winter evenings. To do this, lay out toilet paper and glue seeds to it. You need to take high-quality planting material, because their germination will be more intense, and the quality of the harvest will please you in the fall. It is worth considering different methods of the preparatory stages.

Step-by-step instructions on how to prepare for sowing carrots

The production of the tapes is based on soft toilet paper; due to the fact that it disperses well in the soil, it will not interfere with seed germination.

In order to stick carrot seeds onto paper, you need a paste. It is recommended to cook it at the rate of 1 teaspoon of flour per 50 ml of water. When the sticky mass reaches the consistency of batter, remove from heat. Allow the paste to cool. It’s also good to add a few drops of universal liquid fertilizer to the solution. After this, you can already use the adhesive solution for its intended purpose.

It's easy to stick the seeds on.To do this, use a match, turn it into a paste, touch the seed with it, and stick it to the paper. Or use a brush to apply droplets of the adhesive mass onto the paper and spread the seeds onto the droplets with tweezers. The gaps between the seeds are 2.5 cm. You need to glue the seeds one at a time.

Hang the ribbons to dry on the radiator, but on a towel, or on a sunny windowsill. Glue in the evening and roll up the prepared seed in the morning.

Planting carrots

When it’s time to plant carrots in the garden bed, make grooves 3 cm deep in the prepared area, level the bottom with the edge of the board, so all the seeds will be at the same level.

The crops should be watered abundantly so that the paper softens more intensively and the seeds actively begin to grow. The carrots have been planted, all that remains is to wait for the harvest.

Advantages of the method:

  • there is no need to thin out carrots;
  • saving seeds;
  • guarantee of uniform shoots.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • time spent on tape production;
  • low yield if seed material is of low quality;
  • You need to get used to laying out the ribbons in the garden bed; after you sprinkle them with soil and water them, they move and protrude to the surface.

Gardeners resort to various tricks to achieve a bountiful harvest. Proper germination and planting of seed play a significant role in the success of the entire operation.

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