Garden sculpture of a cat

To make out papier mache waterproof and lightweight garden sculpture in the form of a cat, you will need newspaper and gray toilet paper, flour paste, wire with a cross-sectional diameter of 5 mm, masking tape, building plaster, alkyd enamel of different colors, brushes, white spirit, containers for mixing the mass, rubber gloves, Styrofoam.
Let's take three pieces of wire 50 cm long. Bend the first two pieces in the middle - these will be the cat's legs. We bend the neck and tail from the remaining piece.


We connect all the parts together using wire or masking tape. Sculptures made from papier-mâché are lightweight, so they need to be securely fastened in the garden. To do this, you can make a special stand or leave wire pins at the ends of the legs. Let's use the second option. And so that the pins do not interfere with the work process, we will stick the frame of the cat into the foam.

wire frame

Wrap the frame with several layers of masking tape.

layers of masking tape

For the next stage, we will tear the newsprint into strips and cook the paste.

klester paper

For the paste, take a glass of flour and a liter of water. Pour 200 ml of water into a separate container, and pour the remaining 800 ml into a saucepan and put on fire.Stir the flour in 200 ml of water until smooth, then pour the mixture into boiling water. Brew a thick paste over low heat.
We cover the frame with five layers of newsprint. Before pasting, coat each strip with paste and then wrap it around the frame. Before applying the next layer, apply paste to the previous one.

Let's paste over the frame

At the ends of the legs we make curves from crumpled newspapers. They also need to be thoroughly coated with paste.

Let's paste over the frame

In addition to newsprint, you can also use office paper, and the paste can be replaced with construction PVA.
To make the cat's head, we crumple newspaper into a ball, cover it with masking tape, put it around the neck and only then cover it with strips of newspaper. It is advisable that some stripes be placed simultaneously on the cat's head and neck.
To form the ears, glue together three sheets of newspaper using paste. Before they dry, cut out a square with a side of 10-15 cm and cut it diagonally - you get two triangles. Glue them to the cat's head, bending the bases.

ear formation

We secure the ears on the outside with paper strips. There is no need to do this on the reverse side.

shaping a cat's face

Let's prepare a lot of papier-mâché. To do this, pour paste into a separate container and tear toilet paper into it. Let's leave it for a while. After the paper becomes limp, mix the mixture with your hands or a blender. The result should be a thick, homogeneous mass.

Let's prepare a lot of papier-mache

If the result is a thin mass, add more soaked paper; if it is thick, add water or paste.
Before applying the papier-mâché mass to the frame, add a little building plaster to it - it will absorb excess water, the product will dry faster and be more durable.
Apply paper pulp to the frame in a layer up to 1 cm thick.

some plaster of Paris

After the product has dried, remove roughness using fine-grain sandpaper.

let's remove the roughness

Brush off the dust from the cat with a soft brush and start painting.
Dilute green alkyd enamel in white spirit and cover the product with it. The first layer will be a primer, the next two will be a fixing layer. We paint the last layer with undiluted enamel.

paint the sculpture

After the base color has dried, decorate the cat with yellow, pink, orange and purple patterns.
You can also use gouache or acrylic paints. In this case, after applying all the colored elements, the sculpture must be opened with five layers of yacht varnish.
After the product is completely dry, we fix it on the lawn by sticking it into the ground.

garden sculpture of a cat

garden sculpture of a cat

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