Christmas balls made of papier-mâché

The approach of the New Year holidays makes us think about how to organize a worthy farewell to the old one and the New Year. In our family, first of all, it was decided to update the outdated and not very attractive Christmas tree decorations, which, in fact, is what we did with our seven-year-old niece (so that in the last hours of the outgoing year we would not have to run around stores and markets in search of something new ). We decided to make our own Christmas balls from papier mache.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

We wanted to design them in different ways. For one we use the decoupage technique, for the second we use the trimming technique, and the third, made from the remains of “paper dough”, is simply wrapped in a candy wrapper.
What we need for work:
To make balls:
•old newspapers;
•toilet paper;
•paper table napkins;
•PVA glue;
•satin ribbon about 20 cm long – 3 pcs.
For decoupage:
•white acrylic paint;
•paper napkins with a pattern;
•soft brush.
For facing:
•corrugated paper in 2 colors;
• candy wrappers;
•glue stick;
•sushi stick;
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Operating procedure:
Making balls. Take 2 bowls.In one we tear toilet paper into small pieces, in the second - napkins. Fill the contents of both containers with water and leave to soak.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Christmas balls made of papier mache

Meanwhile, we crumple up the newspaper sheets and roll them into 2 dense balls of different sizes, wrap them with thread (so as not to straighten out). During the wrapping process, we attach ribbons in the form of loops (we will use them to hang the finished toys on the Christmas tree).
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Wring out the soaked paper base for papier-mâché thoroughly and, pouring PVA glue, knead the “dough”.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Christmas balls made of papier mache

Now we paste the newspaper blanks with the resulting adhesive mass, trying to form even balls. Roll up a small ball from the remains of the “dough” - this will make the third toy. Leave it in this form until it dries completely (about two days).
Christmas balls made of papier mache

We make the balls. We got 3 balls of different sizes. We will decorate the largest one using the “decoupage" First, cover it with a layer of white acrylic paint and set it aside to dry.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

For now, we’ll take on a slightly smaller ball - we’ll decorate it with a voluminous applique made of corrugated paper and candy wrappers, using the “trimming” technique. From the “corrugated” rolls we cut strips about 1 cm wide and cut them into squares. We do the same with candy wrappers.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Place the end of a sushi stick in the center of the paper blank and wrap a square around it. We get something like a tube.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Coat the end of the resulting figure with glue and glue it to the ball.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

This is how we decorate the entire toy.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Christmas balls made of papier mache

We simply wrap the smallest ball in a candy wrapper and fasten it with a stapler, not forgetting to attach a ribbon.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Christmas balls made of papier mache

Meanwhile, the paint on the big ball has already dried.We cut out the design we need from a beautiful paper napkin, remove the excess layers, and use a brush and PVA to glue it onto the ball using the “decoupage” technique.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Christmas balls made of papier mache

Our papier-mâché Christmas balls are ready.
Christmas balls made of papier mache

Happy creativity!
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Comments (1)
  1. Aliaska
    #1 Aliaska Guests 23 August 2017 23:48
    Healthy and interesting! I was just thinking about what kind of toys I could make with my daughter, but all that came to mind were the boring lanterns we made at school. But this is much better.