5 definitely useful repair life hacks

In a workshop, during repairs, a variety of situations may arise that at first glance seem hopeless. But ingenuity will definitely help in any current problem. A non-standard way of solving problems is always welcome among DIYers and experienced craftsmen.

How to repair cracked plastic. Make a soldering iron and staples for repairing plastic

If, say, your tool carrying case is cracked, you can repair it in a simple way.

The first step is to modify the soldering iron that we will use to melt the plastic. To do this, take the anchor bolt and remove the sleeve from it.

Next, remove the standard soldering iron tip and insert a bolt in its place. We fix it with a screw.

Next, let's start making staples. Take a spring with a diameter smaller than the head of the soldering iron bolt.

We heat the spring with a gas burner until red hot to reduce hardness.

Using nippers, cut into rings.

Now, using a homemade soldering iron, we solder the rings into the crack of the case being repaired.

This operation must be done on both sides.

The method is reliable and relatively fast.

How to isolate a tool and make it safer

To insulate live parts of the tool when working under voltage, you can use regular heat-shrink tubing.

To do this, put a tube of the appropriate diameter on the instrument and blow it with a hairdryer or gas burner.

Next, we make a second layer of insulation with another heat shrink.

In addition to screwdrivers, you can insulate the handles of pliers or wire cutters. It is not only safe, but also convenient.

How to drill a hole without a drill of the required diameter

If you need to bore a hole a little in plastic or wood, but there is no suitable drill, take a handful of self-tapping screws.

Cut off the caps with a grinder.

Clamp it into the drill chuck.

And drill the hole to the required diameter.

High-quality and durable drills on AliExpress at a discount - http://alii.pub/5zwmxz

How to upgrade your level to work with metal

When welding structures made of steel profiles, it is often necessary to control the tilt level.

To upgrade the building level, take small neodymium magnets -

Open the caps and use superglue to glue the magnets on the sides.

Now the level is perfectly magnetized to the metal and will not go anywhere.

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Comments (1)
  1. We glued it the same way before, but a little
    #1 We glued it the same way before, but a little Guests 4 March 2022 16:22
    We glued before in the same way but a little differently: We wind the wire onto any suitable rod We put this spring (stretch it according to the size of the crack) between the ends of the part. We connect the low-voltage transformer. We turn on the last one and immediately solder the parts into the plastic. We turn it off immediately. Done!