3 ideas for using PET bottle necks

Many people underestimate the reuse of PET bottles in everyday life, and as it turns out, it is in vain. After all, the ideas for using them seem limitless. Here are just three ways to use a bottle at home or in the workshop.

Transfer pump

Motorists will especially like this idea, since this simple pump can be used to pump various technical liquids such as antifreeze or gasoline.

Drill a hole in the bottom of the bottle and the cap for the hose.

We install the hoses and seal them with hot glue.

That's all, the primitive pump is ready. It will prevent you from “swallowing” various liquids.

We throw one end of the hose into the tank and plug the other with a finger. We squeeze the bottle.

We open the bottle and, under vacuum, the liquid flows into it. We remove our finger and the liquid then flows by gravity.

Grommet made from PET bottles

Cut off the neck of the bottle with a hacksaw.

We sand with sandpaper.

Now this neck can be used as a tent eyelet.

Or for a curtain in the bathroom.

You can also come up with your own version.

Workshop Clamp

We cut off the neck of the bottle and saw it on one side.

Drill 2 holes at 45 degrees. Install long bolts and secure with nuts.

The result is a clamp or clamp. Don't underestimate her, she holds up quite well.

And if you need, say, a dozen of these, then making them will not be difficult.

Watch the video

How to make a shock-resistant tool handle from a plastic canister - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/6484-kak-iz-plastikovoj-kanistry-sdelat-rukojat-dlja-instrumenta.html
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