How to make a wall bracket for a large TV from a piece of plywood

If you only need to securely and easily fix the TV on the wall, then there is no need to spend money on purchasing a factory bracket. You can make it yourself from available and inexpensive materials, and for this you do not need to have the qualifications of a carpenter or mechanic.

Will need

To implement our idea, we will prepare the following materials and tools:
  • Two bolts of the required sizes;
  • strip of multilayer plywood 20 mm thick;
  • three screws or self-tapping screws of the required size;
  • tape measure or measuring tape;
  • square and pencil;
  • holdfast;
  • manual electric router;
  • brush.

Process of making plywood bracket with easy installation

We place the TV on a workbench, having first placed a non-rigid material under it, like foam rubber or rubber, so as not to accidentally scratch the screen.

We screw two bolts with standard (hexagonal) or round enlarged heads into the upper mounting holes from the back of the electronic device.

We measure the distance between the centers of the bolt heads using a tape measure or measuring tape and, based on this size, select the length of the strip of multilayer plywood, which should be slightly greater than the distance between the bolts.

We mark on the plywood strip a gap corresponding to the center-to-center distance between the bolts. At its ends we outline the same contours of two broken lines for milling, into which the bolt rods will fit on the finished homemade product.

We fix a strip of multilayer plywood in a carpenter's vice and mill two broken grooves along the markings with a manual electric router to a small depth.

Then we try on the broken grooves planned by shallow milling with the location of the bolts on the TV and, if there are no deviations, we perform through milling of the plywood strip in two passes.

We repeat the fitting again, inserting the bolt rods into the through milling holes. If it turns out to be successful, then we expand the through broken groove from above and deepen it accordingly to the width and depth of the bolt heads.

We carry out the final fitting and check the strength of our homemade bracket, holding the TV on it and slightly rocking it up and down.

Now all we have to do is secure our multilayer plywood bracket with three screws or self-tapping screws to a pre-designated place on the wall and hang the TV on it.

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