How to remove yellowness from any plastic

White plastic casings of refrigerators, washing and sewing machines, indoor units of air conditioners and other household appliances become yellow over the years. This yellowness cannot be removed with ordinary detergents. But all is not lost with yellowed plastic. It can be bleached with an inexpensive pharmaceutical product.

What you will need:

  • Dimexide;
  • latex gloves;
  • cotton pads.

The process of bleaching yellowed plastic

Dimexide is applied to a cotton pad. It can be bought at any pharmacy. It is better to work with gloves, as the composition is quite aggressive for the skin.

Then you need to wipe off the yellowness with a moistened cotton pad.

Dimexide does not remove it on the first pass, but if you rub it a little, the plastic will become like new. If the yellowed part is very neglected, then the product can be applied and wait a little. This way it will wash off the yellowness faster. Suitable for any plastic, be it a device in a plastic case or a PVC window sill.

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Another way: How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance -
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Comments (1)
  1. passerby
    #1 passerby Guests January 12, 2022 03:52
    All these attempts to pour dimexide into all available cracks are not an idea at all. For tankers - read the pharmacological properties! Dimexide is quite dangerous, since it is an organic solvent, and when working with chemistry, it can easily push this chemistry inside your body, as it passes through the membranes of the body’s cells and takes everything with it! Gloves are required, although no one has canceled ordinary peroxide.