How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

Over time, white and light gray plastic parts on computer hardware and console cases turn yellow. This is an inherent quality of ABS plastic, from which the casings of almost all equipment are made. Because of this, it looks outdated and wants to be replaced. In fact, yellowness on plastic can be removed with a homemade product, and you don’t even have to rub it.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance


  • starch;
  • stain remover “Vanish Oxi Action” or an analogue with a similar composition;
    How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

  • hydrogen peroxide 30%.

The process of preparing a mixture for bleaching plastic

When bleaching small parts, a liquid mixture is prepared to soak them in a bath. If you need to clean a large case, then mix the composition in the form of a gel, which is spread on top. Due to its thickness, it will remain on the surface. Starch can be used as a thickener.
When preparing the cleaning mixture, it is optimal to use 8-13% peroxide. Finding it on sale is quite difficult. It’s easier to buy a 30% concentrate at a chemical store and dilute it with water in a 1:2 ratio.
To prepare the composition, you need to dissolve the stain remover in warm water. Take literally 20-30 ml of water and a quarter teaspoon of “Vanish Oxi Action” or its equivalent. This will be enough for 300 ml of the finished product.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

Then stir 4 tablespoons of any starch into 100 ml of cold water.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

Once mixed, it needs to be brewed until it reaches a gel consistency. The solution is placed on fire and heated with constant stirring.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

After a few minutes it will become viscous even before it boils. As soon as it acquires the consistency of jelly, the heating is turned off and the mixture is poured into a separate container.
200 ml of hydrogen peroxide 30% is added to the gel with constant stirring.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

Then the previously dissolved stain remover is poured in.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

The finished gel is spread onto the yellowed plastic parts with a paint brush. To prevent it from drying out, the part is wrapped in film and left for a day.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

After time, the gel is washed off under running water, and after drying, the bleached body is placed back in its place.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

If you can buy 8-13% hydrogen peroxide to prepare the product, then water is not used. Take 300 ml of peroxide and a quarter teaspoon of stain remover at once. In order not to heat the peroxide, it is better to use cheap wallpaper glue based on starch as a thickener; it thickens in cold liquid.
How to return yellowed plastic to its original appearance

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Comments (5)
  1. Guest Khatul Madan
    #1 Guest Khatul Madan Guests 11 May 2020 07:30
    All this is interesting...
    But where did you get the 5 inch float gun?
    If I'm not mistaken, this is the period of "Stump 2".
    Because “Stump 3” was already supplied with 3-inch ones.
    1. Venom
      #2 Venom Guests 12 May 2020 20:14
      This is the period 486 and earlier
  2. Guest Vitaly
    #3 Guest Vitaly Guests 15 May 2020 14:25
    Even earlier. On 386, three-inch flops were already quite common.
    1. Vladislav
      #4 Vladislav Guests 18 May 2020 18:39
      Even earlier, at our school in 1993 we already had IBM PS/2 with 3-inch flops, and the EC1840 had 5-inch ones))
  3. passerby
    #5 passerby Guests 12 January 2022 04:02
    Oh, what nostalgia! A five-inch flopper is something... I remember turning up the brightness on the monitor until I accidentally scratched the glass. It turned out that it was all about smoking ;) Those were interesting times and the technology was of high quality.