How to hang a monitor if there are no holes for the bracket

I once asked myself a question about a TV for the kitchen. Of course, the prices for modern TVs are “luxurious”.

I came up with a theme then (I won’t say that I’m a pioneer), first I made it for the dacha, a monitor from a computer plus a tricolor. The input was VGA, but Ali Express has HDMI adapters.

So in the kitchen, I think we need to hang a monitor with an Android console.

I found an excellent cheap option on Avito, 23 monitor with speakers and an HDMI input, but it does not have holes for mounting the bracket on the back cover. Only a “leg” that does not rotate towards the wall (there are options when the leg rotates and serves as a bracket). What to do???

How to attach a monitor without bracket mounting holes

I went to the store, found the cheapest and simplest swivel bracket, tried on a metal plate for it right in the store and came up with an option.

I adjusted the plate to the size of the hole on the monitor, drilled holes in the plate, and screwed it with “original” bolts to the place where the “leg” is attached.

And I already bolted the bracket to it, also drilling holes for them in two parts at once. It turned out to be reliable and powerful)) I screwed the bracket itself to the wall, and hung the monitor with the attached parts in “its” place. Hangs securely and firmly. But the fact that the plate sticks out a lot is another matter; it can be decorated beautifully. If you make the plate smaller, there will not be enough space to securely tighten it to the bracket part.

That's it guys, good luck to everyone. If you have any questions, write to me, good luck!

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Comments (3)
  1. Stepan
    #1 Stepan Guests May 2, 2021 07:34
    It was possible to bend the plate into the letter P or Z, then neither the bracket nor the plate would be visible.
    1. Rom4ik_iz_karelii
      #2 Rom4ik_iz_karelii Guests 4 May 2021 19:45
      when bending, it was possible to break the stiffener
  2. Yuri
    #3 Yuri Guests 2 July 2022 16:05
    Handsome! The plate could be spray painted black.