We prepare cutlets according to GOST for future use

Everyone remembers fluffy cutlets from childhood. In adulthood they try to repeat them, but the result is often disappointing. But the whole secret is in compliance with technology and GOST. If you put all the ingredients in the right proportions, you will get what you need. These cutlets are convenient to cook for future use. On a free day, stick a lot at once, package it, and then after a working day, put it straight from the freezer onto a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Fast healthy food is always better than semi-finished and ready-made food from the kitchen.
We prepare cutlets according to GOST for future use


So, to prepare 30 cutlets according to GOST with a reserve, you will need the following products:
  • Pork – 2 kg.
  • Wheat bread (loaf) – 500 gr.
  • Milk – 650 gr.
  • Onion – 200 gr.
  • Breadcrumbs – 200 grams.
  • Salt, spices to taste.

We prepare cutlets for freezing for future use according to GOST

Minced meat is prepared from pork pulp. Choose the hip or shoulder part so that there is a little fat. It will add juiciness.
Minced meat is prepared from pork pulp

The loaf (wheat bread) is broken into pieces and soaked in milk.
The loaf is broken into pieces and soaked in milk

The soaked loaf is passed through a meat grinder or thoroughly ground in a blender. They also grind the onions so that there are no pieces, only juiciness and aroma.
The soaked loaf is passed through a meat grinder

Add spices. Mix the minced meat thoroughly. An egg is not used in the recipe; the cutlets will not fall apart without it.
Add spices and knead the minced meat

Form cutlets weighing 80 grams. Use a kitchen scale to get semi-finished products that are equal in weight.
Form cutlets weighing 80 grams

Roll in breadcrumbs and place on a cutting board in one row. The board is pre-wrapped in a plastic bag so that the cutlets do not stick.
The cutlets are coated in breadcrumbs and placed on a cutting board in one row.

The first layer is covered with another bag to place more cutlets on top. Place in the freezer.
place more cutlets on top

Frozen semi-finished products are packaged in bags, choosing the optimal quantity for the housewife. Subsequently, place on a greased baking sheet while frozen and bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 40 minutes. Fast, easy, convenient.
Frozen cutlets made according to GOST
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