How to cook Heh from fresh fish in Korean

A spicy appetizer made from fresh fish will fit perfectly into any menu, be it a modest Lenten table or a hearty holiday feast. It looks very appetizing, is easy to prepare, and pickles quickly. After a couple of hours you can already put it on the table. Or prepare heh from fresh fish in advance and store it in the refrigerator until serving. Pieces of fish, complemented with thin onion strips, are quickly soaked in a rich marinade and become very tasty. The abundance of spices and seasonings does not at all drown out the natural taste of the fish, and soy sauce successfully complements the main components of the appetizer. When cutting a fish carcass, it is recommended to pay attention to the condition of the flesh - it should be elastic and even in color.


  • gutted fresh fish (mackerel) – 1 piece,
  • salad onions - 1 large head,
  • Korean seasoning – 1 tbsp. l,
  • vinegar 9% strength - 3 tbsp. l,
  • purified vegetable oil – 50 ml,
  • salt – 4 pinches,
  • sugar – 2 pinches,
  • soy sauce – 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking Heh from fresh fish in Korean, step-by-step recipe

A fish carcass for an appetizer must not only be cleaned, but also filleted. We will not remove the skin. We make a cut along the back and trim off the fins.Gradually trimming the flesh, we unfold the fish like a book.

We take out the ridge with large bones, select small ones with tweezers. From one fish you will get two dense, elastic fillets. Rinse the fillet and dry it.

Cut the onion in half. Shred each half lengthwise or crosswise into thin strips.

Cut the fish fillet into small strips 2-3 cm wide.

Pour table vinegar into a spoon and pour it evenly over the fish pieces. Mix.

Season the fish slices with prepared Korean seasoning, salt and sugar.

Add unsalted soy sauce and unflavored vegetable oil. Lightly massage the fish with your hands and mix.

Add a little salt to the onion and also mash it so that it releases its juice faster and soaks in the marinade. Add onion slices to the fish.

Mix everything carefully again. Cover the container with fish with cling film and leave to marinate for an hour. Then we put it in the refrigerator in the same form and leave it for at least two hours. It is advisable to stir it a couple of times. During this time, the slices will absorb the marinade, the fish will turn out juicy and slightly spicy.

Fresh fish khe in Korean can be served to the table. Having placed the appetizer on a dish, add strips of pickled onions, sprinkle with leek or green onion rings and pieces of hot pepper. A little vegetable oil will give the appetizer an appetizing gloss and presentable appearance.

Bon appetit!

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