How to make a motor control circuit. Power on and reverse with two buttons

How to make a circuit for controlling an engine. Turn on and reverse with two buttons.

With this simple circuit you can control a DC motor with just two buttons. Each of which serves to turn the engine in one direction or another. The device is capable of controlling a powerful motor, and the button contacts will not burn or stick.


  • Transistors IRFZ44N - 2 pieces -
    How to make a circuit for controlling an engine. Turn on and reverse with two buttons.

  • Transistors IRF4905P - 2 pieces -
    How to make a circuit for controlling an engine. Turn on and reverse with two buttons.

  • Resistors 10 kOhm - 2 pieces.
    How to make a circuit for controlling an engine. Turn on and reverse with two buttons.


How to make a circuit for controlling an engine. Turn on and reverse with two buttons.

As can be seen from the diagram, transistors of different conductivity are used, which are connected to each other in a single bridge. Visually, the diagram can be divided into left and right sides, which are identical in structure to each other.
Initially, all the upper transistors are open, and the lower ones are locked. As a result, positive power is supplied to both motor contacts. As a result, the motor shaft is stationary. As soon as you press, say, the left button, the upper transistor in its circuit will close and the lower one will open. As a result, a minus power supply appears on one of the motor contacts, and the motor will start working. If you release the button, the motor will stop.And if you press the right button, the motor will spin in the other direction.

Making a DC motor control circuit

We will make a power bus from thick copper wire.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Solder the transistors with their sources.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Solder a resistor between the sources and gates.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Next, solder the bottom row of transistors. For ease of inclusion, let's turn them over.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Solder the buttons to the lower power bus.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Let's connect the second terminals with wires.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Connect the 12V power supply and multimeter moves instead. And let's try to press one button first.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Then to the second.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

The polarity has changed, which means the circuit is working. Let's try it with an electric motor.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Spin one way.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Then to another.
How to make a motor control circuit Turn on and reverse with two buttons

Such a device will find worthy use in everyday life.

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Comments (3)
  1. Zhorik
    #1 Zhorik Guests 11 December 2020 19:44
    Tough. I will assemble such a control simply on two switches without any electronics.
  2. Guest Sergey
    #2 Guest Sergey Guests 19 March 2022 20:23
    And stop with a micro button, only a switch, a toggle switch
  3. Guest Andrey
    #3 Guest Andrey Guests 21 April 2022 15:27
    There was no such thing as a Tumblr.But there were transistors and a handkerchief from an old TV with buttons. I assembled a car with an electric engine for my son. Motor beads and rollers from a tape recorder. As a child, I collected cars like this on Tumblr.