Computer control panel

It happens that you have a desire to diversify your daily life and change some process that needs to be performed daily and which you are already tired of. One of these processes is turning on or restarting the computer - a banal button press that occurs the same for all PC users.
In order to diversify these processes, you can make a control panel for your computer. To do this, you will need several parts: a front panel, six resistors, three toggle switches, two buttons and 6 LEDs - three red and three green.

Computer control panel

It is necessary to make holes in the panel for each part and check how well they fit there.

After this, everything needs to be soldered according to this scheme -

It must be taken into account that if LEDs will be powered by a 12-volt power source, then they need to be connected only through a resistor, otherwise they will fail.
The resistor resistance is calculated as follows: the voltage is subtracted from the supply voltage LED and divide by the current LED.
The circuit is powered from a computer power supply.

After all the elements are soldered according to the diagram and inserted into the front panel, we can assume that the control panel is almost ready. Don't forget about safety precautions! All contacts and soldering points must be insulated! For this, cambrics or insulation are used.
But it would be advisable to assemble at least some kind of housing so that the wires are securely hidden in it.

After all the operations performed, we check the serviceability of the assembled control panel. To turn on the computer, you must set toggle switches No. 1 and No. 2 to the on position and press button 1. To restart the computer, toggle switches No. 1 and No. 3 must be in the on position and press button 2.

If the control panel works properly, then mount it on the front side of the computer case.
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Comments (3)
  1. Artyom 111
    #1 Artyom 111 Guests 5 October 2012 18:32
    I'll try to do it...
    it's ok smile
  2. NOVEL
    #2 NOVEL Guests 6 December 2016 16:07
    what is the resistor value
  3. Sasha
    #3 Sasha Guests April 6, 2020 05:32
    reinventing the wheel