How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

The carbon deposits on the baking sheet and oven walls dry out so much that removing it takes a lot of time and effort. When cleaning, use the suggested advice, and everything will be washed off quickly and easily.

What you will need:

  • water;
  • soda;
  • vinegar;
  • salt.

Carbon cleaning process

The baking tray is first cleared of congealed fat, if any.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

Then it is generously sprinkled with soda and filled with water.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

The baking tray is placed in the oven. You can put a grill on top of it if it is also dirty.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

The oven is turned on at maximum temperature. After the water boils in the pan, the heating is turned off. The oven does not open.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

When the water becomes warm, you can open the oven and remove the baking sheet with wire rack. The latter just needs to be wiped off from the white deposits of soda. It will fall off along with the carbon deposits. All that remains is to wipe the grill with a cloth soaked in vinegar to make it shine like new.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

The deposits on the baking sheet will come off along with the crust of soda. The remaining softened stains can be wiped off with a sponge using salt as an abrasive.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

Then the baking sheet is wiped with vinegar.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

Due to the evaporation from the baking sheet, the carbon deposits on the oven walls soften. It will be enough to wipe it off with a sponge in vinegar.
How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

How to clean a baking sheet and oven from carbon deposits without commercial chemicals

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Comments (1)
  1. Skeptic
    #1 Skeptic Guests 9 January 2021 21:54
    Tales of the Vienna Woods. If there is a strong deposit on the baking sheet, no amount of soda will clean it.
    Why put a baking sheet in the oven if the cleaning composition can be brought to a boil on top of the burners, and there is no need to clean the oven and grate. Not a word about this.