The most delicious pink salmon dish: a simple and proven recipe for salted salmon

Pink salmon is a popular fish of the salmon family. It is affordable, but unlike elite salmon or trout, it has dry meat. This is because pink salmon is caught far from the sea, in clean mountain rivers, where it travels a long way to give birth and die according to the law of nature.
This is where the fish are caught before they have time to spawn. Carcasses with the belly ripped open are widely sold, and everyone prepares the product in their own way.
The best thing that can be made from pink salmon is to salt it in a special way: “pink salmon salted.” This culinary recipe is simple and proven.


So, we need: directly fish, sugar, salt. And three days of time.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

We produce pink salmon ambassador

The pink salmon carcass should be scraped with a knife to remove the scales. This must be done if you will cook soup from the remains of the head (if any), abdomen, fins, and ridge. If soup is not expected, you can skip this operation and work on the carcass.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

We got a fish without a head, so we cut off only the tail and belly.We make an incision along the ridge, trim the skin near the head and carefully separate it from the meat. On one side and on the other. Cut out the dorsal fin.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

Now the completely “naked” pink salmon must be slowly cut along the spine into two layers.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

The result was pink salmon fillet and quite edible “waste”. From them, as already mentioned, you can cook a delicious fish soup, which will not at all resemble the usual fish soup (rice, potatoes, carrots, onions, spices). Or you can pickle these leftovers separately for beer.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

Now we are interested in the sirloin part. Cut it into pieces and proceed to the main part. Salting pink salmon with salmon is done using the dry method. To do this, mix salt and sugar in equal proportions. For our fish you will need two full tablespoons of coarse salt and the same amount of sugar.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

Rub the curing mixture into the pulp, place in a suitable container, press down and leave for several hours so that the salt and sugar are completely absorbed.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

After six to eight hours, drain the juice that the fish gave, tightly wrap the fillet pieces in canvas and place them in the freezer. After two days, salted pink salmon is ready.
The most delicious pink salmon dish - a simple and proven recipe for salmon salting

Eat as a gourmet snack, make sandwiches with “red fish” and just be glad that you managed to get salmon from pink salmon.
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