How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Making a powerful, blinding LED lamp for large and medium-sized living spaces with your own hands is very simple. All this became possible thanks to the appearance on the radio electronics market of powerful LED matrices with drivers built into them.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Such a matrix is ​​connected directly to a 220 V AC network and only requires cooling.

Will need

  • LED Matrix 100 W 220 V-
  • Radiator with built-in fan -
  • Power supply 9V -
  • Broken energy saving lamp.

Making a 100W LED Lamp

We very carefully disassemble the energy-saving lamp without damaging the bulb, disposing of it in an appropriate way.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

In addition to the bulb, we also remove the internal driver; we will no longer need it. Of the entire lamp, we only need part of the body with a base.

We disassemble the 9 Volt power supply.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Let's try it on the lamp body. If it doesn’t fit, we nibble the board a little in the corners without damaging the tracks on it.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

We take a fan with a built-in cooler, it is designed for 12 V power supply.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Let's try on an LED matrix for it. We drill 4 holes for it in the radiator. Then we cut the thread.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

We coat the contact surface with heat-conducting paste and fasten the matrix to the radiator with screws.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Solder the wire sections to the matrix

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

We solder the wires coming from the fan to the output of the power supply board.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Now we combine everything into a common circuit: we solder the wires from the lamp base first to the power supply board, then we solder the wires from the LED matrix.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

We put the board inside the body of the future lamp. And we fix everything with two-component glue.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

We put the radiator on top.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Glue it over the entire surface with superglue

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

After completing all the assembly work, we try to twist the fan impeller with a wire to make sure that nothing will interfere with its rotation.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

The 100 W lamp is ready for use.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

Screw it on.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

It is not recommended to look at it directly, since the 100 W LED power is quite strong, which may not immediately affect your vision.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

It shines very, very brightly.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

For small rooms this power is overkill.

How to make a powerful 100 W LED lamp from a broken energy-saving lamp

The camera doesn’t convey this, of course, but the light is blinding.

The 9 Volt unit was not accidentally applied to the 12 Volt cooler. All this is done in order to reduce the noise coming from the fan by reducing the voltage. As a result, it is almost inaudible.

Thanks to the use of active cooling, the lamp itself turned out to be no more than an ordinary one, although its analogues are several times larger in power than its size.

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Comments (13)
  1. Alexander_57
    #1 Alexander_57 Guests February 26, 2020 05:31
    100 watts to dissipate with such a cooler? As Stanislavsky said - I don’t believe it!
  2. Anton
    #2 Anton Guests 26 February 2020 14:14
    The correct title is "How to make .... from the body of an energy-saving lamp"
  3. Zollendorf
    #3 Zollendorf Guests 26 February 2020 18:39
    “IN ADDITION” to the fact that the author, to put it mildly, is not very good at spelling, is also familiar with the laws of electrodynamics only by hearsay.
    The power supply from which he is trying to get 100 watts of power. for example 9th century should provide a current of more than 11 amperes, which I strongly doubt looking at the photos.
    1. Well
      #4 Well Guests 27 February 2020 09:26
      What a fool you are! Sorry, but there are no more words! The unit only powers the fan! The matrix is ​​powered from the network...
      You're the one who doesn't know anything, you ignoramus!
    2. Barmaley Barmaleich
      #5 Barmaley Barmaleich Guests 6 March 2020 23:46
      You look at the book and see nothing. Re-read more carefully
  4. San
    #6 San Guests 27 February 2020 04:56
    The photo shows a 50 W matrix. Not at 100.
  5. Guest Vitaly
    #7 Guest Vitaly Guests 27 February 2020 06:42
    Original. You walk in......b, and there’s a buzzing sound!
  6. STAS
    #8 STAS Guests 27 February 2020 06:46
    does not correspond to the name, it is not appropriate from the word AT ALL
  7. Phantom
    #9 Phantom Guests 27 February 2020 08:32
    It is impossible to glue heating elements with superglue; it loses its properties even with mild heating.Your radiator will fall off on someone's head. smiley
    1. Ivan Novoselov
      #10 Ivan Novoselov Guests March 18, 2020 11:02
      In short, there is a thermal glue that doesn’t care
  8. Alexander
    #11 Alexander Guests 27 February 2020 23:05
    Don’t write crap, this module has a maximum of 50 Watts, and maybe even that, change the current consumption - that’s the first thing. Secondly, the presented radiator is too small even for 50 Watts.
  9. Victor Zaporozhye
    #12 Victor Zaporozhye Guests 29 February 2020 17:03
    Don't bother with such nonsense. Such LED matrices are suitable for lamps in which halogen lamps were installed; they must be mounted on thermal paste for good contact with the lamp body. Without effective heat removal from the matrix, it will soon be ruined. Those with a network of 170-190 will have light for a long time. Mine - 235v - lasted about a month.
  10. Victor
    #13 Victor Guests 7 January 2021 13:51
    It is better to make a capacitor power supply. But 100W cannot be used with suspended ceilings