How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

There is a preconceived idea about moles as pests of trees and plants. They say they spoil the roots. But they are not rodents, but insectivorous mammals that eat beetles, mole crickets, wireworms and earthworms. In search of food, they loosen the ground and drain the soil.
They cause little harm - small mounds on the surface that spoil the appearance of the area. Therefore, moles should be caught and deported to a distant wasteland. There are mole traps for this. But, in order not to waste money, you can catch it using improvised means.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

Will need

To catch a mole, we will use the objects that surround us:
  • three-liter glass jar;
  • bayonet shovel and spatula;
  • a lid from a large saucepan;
  • bait;
  • boiled gloves.

The procedure for catching a mole in a farmstead

We find a mound of earth dug by a mole, remove the soil and look for a hole under it. To do this, we tear off a shallow hole with a bayonet shovel, then on its walls it is easier to see the passages dug by the mole.
We definitely put boiled gloves on our hands, otherwise this animal, with a sensitive sense of smell, will detect the presence of a person and will avoid this area of ​​​​its burrow.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

Carefully remove the soil with a spatula and your hands until you find a hole. There should be two of them, becausewe destroyed part of it under the mound. Focusing on these two passages, between them we dig a hole with a depth equal to the height of a three-liter jar.
We place a glass container at the bottom of the hole and place earthworms in it - bait for moles.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

Carefully fill the jar, covering the neck with at least a piece of wood, all the way to the top, but not the holes. Having finished filling, remove the wood.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

Cover the entire perimeter of the pit with the jar and passages with a large metal pan lid.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

We sprinkle its edges with earth so that there are no cracks, otherwise the mole will feel a draft and refuse to use this part of the hole.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

We leave the trap alone for a while, after which we check to see if the mole is caught in the jar. And so several times a day. If we are lucky, but not the mole, he will eventually end up in a jar from which he will never get out.
The check is simple. Lift the lid and set it aside. We lower a thin stick into the jar so that part of it protrudes above the neck. If the mole is in the jar, then he will start poking at the stick, and its top will move.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

We take the jar out of the filling and make sure that the mole still got into it. All we have to do, given his Red Book status and humane attitude towards animals, is to take him away and release him. He won't be lost here.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

Once free, it will vigorously work with its front paws with powerful claws and will soon disappear underground.
How to quickly catch a mole with a jar

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Comments (2)
  1. Valery Donenko
    #1 Valery Donenko Guests 15 January 2020 23:34
    The mole rat is in your garden. Your opinion will change immediately. Subspecies. And if it’s also a family... There will definitely be a famine, we’ll have to drag ourselves to the market. Not a mockery, but a passed stage.
  2. Ivan Novoselov
    #2 Ivan Novoselov Guests March 18, 2020 11:42
    Well, it’s useful garbage for the soil, but he doesn’t eat root vegetables, just the passages he digs are used by mice/rats