Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

Hello! Today I’ll tell you about an unusual and original homemade product made from a broken glass.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

I think everyone has had this situation when you accidentally hit a wine glass or glass, it falls off the table and the stem breaks off.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

All that remains is to throw it away and go to the store for a new one. Or you can get a little creative and make such a souvenir glass.

Will need

So, I needed:
  • Broken glass.
  • Retro socket.
  • Electrical plug
  • Aluminum plate.
  • Engraver.

Making a souvenir from a broken glass

The first thing I do is assemble the fork. I unscrew the screw, insert the stem of the glass and screw everything back. The easiest part is over.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

Now I'm starting to create a sign with the inscription. For this I took an aluminum corner 30*30. And I cut a strip a little larger. Then it will be easier to bend.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

Next I sand the cut areas.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

The plate is ready. Now you need to bend it and give it the shape of a rosette.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

I mark how it will be located on the socket. And I cut off the excess.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

I processed the edges with a file and rounded them a little. Next I start engraving. I will use cutters ordered from Aliexpress. I first drew the inscription in pencil and began to trace it with an engraver.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

This is my first experience with engraving, so don't judge too harshly. Overall, it turned out well. The next step was to polish the tablet with Goya paste.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

I wipe off the remaining paste and admire the result.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

I take a sign, apply glue in the center and glue it to the socket. This will secure the plate and make it possible to drill holes for screws.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

I mark and drill holes.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

I set the final point and tighten the screws.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

That's all! The souvenir glass is ready.
Awesome souvenir from a broken glass

If desired, it can be fixed somewhere in one place. For this purpose, the socket has holes at the bottom. Can be used in bars to prevent theft of glasses. I hope you liked my homemade product. Thank you for your attention.

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Comments (3)
  1. Professor of Metallurgy
    #1 Professor of Metallurgy Guests 11 November 2019 23:47
    "Pasta Goya"? Why not "carbonaro paste"? It's time to know that the polishing paste is GOI! State Optical Institute. SHAMEFUL!
  2. Zashmorgh
    #2 Zashmorgh Guests 5 January 2020 23:20
    AND? What's the catch? NOT, well, in the village, village, there, I know, perhaps they will still understand your thriftiness, but in the city... this stinginess... Well, I don’t know, I don’t know...It seems to me that this is not entirely normal for a person with a healthy psyche. And there, who knows, who knows. But it wouldn’t hurt for you to go see a doctor who has submitted your invention...
  3. Tatiana
    #3 Tatiana Guests 12 November 2022 13:02
    I like this! Let's make one similar to our electrician friend!