Fork with cooling

Everyone has probably burned their tongue at least once when eating hot food (this can happen when you are in a hurry or simply don’t want to wait for it to cool down). I propose to build an interesting fork (you can also use a spoon) with cooling.

We will need:
Motor, button, screw, electrical tape, wires, soldering iron, battery.

We take the propeller (I took a spare one from RC Helicopter) and attach it to the motor.

It’s better to take a motor, the smaller the better (I took it from an old camera with film rewinding, it’s 3 volts).

Next we need a battery (crown) and a plug for it. The plug can be taken from a toy or equipment where crowns are used (I took it from a radio station).

Now we take a button, for example, from a broken tape recorder.

It's time to assemble.

Solder as in the picture. We solder the wires to the motor so that air blows on the plug and not on the motor. Now we carefully wrap everything up with electrical tape so that it looks something like this:

Well, that’s it, all that remains is to attach this structure to the plug itself, also with electrical tape (or tape).


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Comments (15)
  1. dimansid
    #1 dimansid Guests 19 July 2011 19:18
    Now, the main thing is not to tear your mouth open with a fan lol
  2. Veent
    #2 Veent Guests 19 July 2011 19:57
    This is genius smile The inventor of slippers with a flashlight nervously smokes to the side biggrinbiggrin
    This way you can also dry your bangs)) and the stamps for the crown can also be removed from another crown
    #3 NOTFRONT Guests 19 July 2011 19:59
    The author seems to be the inventor of slippers with a flashlight. biggrin
  4. lamar
    #4 lamar Guests 19 July 2011 20:51
    Gena Bukin is resting (and the slipper-shaker with a flashlight) tonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetonguetongue
  5. ENDY
    #5 ENDY Guests July 22, 2011 02:35
    I thought about this too when I read the article)
  6. ENDY
    #6 ENDY Guests July 22, 2011 02:39
    And why are you so upset with the author? In my opinion, the work is simply not very well thought out to the smallest detail. For example, how can a 3 V motor be powered by 9 V surprised , the device is too huge, and without a housing (electrical tape doesn’t count) biggrin
    But I would use this from time to time wink
  7. Lost
    #7 Lost Guests July 22, 2011 11:56
    from 9 volts the 3 volt motor works faster. cool
  8. ENDY
    #8 ENDY Guests 26 July 2011 16:46
    and will die at the same speed biggrin
  9. self-taught
    #9 self-taught Guests 12 June 2012 21:37
    It’s easier than ever to put vibration motors from cell phones on the fork, so they will shake the fork with the dumpling faster, it will cool down and have a double effect - it will shake off excess liquid, then mayonnaise or vinegar. And it will automatically shake it straight into your mouth.
  10. V.A.L.E.K.
    #10 V.A.L.E.K. Guests December 3, 2012 12:39
    It’s cool, but the main thing is not to get the fan caught in your mouth! E!!!