Dust collector from a canister

Dust collector from a canister

Almost every circular saw has an outlet for ejecting chips during operation. Typically, an intake from a specialized vacuum cleaner designed for collecting technical waste in large volumes is connected to it.
Dust collector from a canisterDust collector from a canister

Naturally, most carpenters do not have such an expensive vacuum cleaner. But there is a simpler way out of this situation: use a plastic canister as a dust collector.

Will need

  • Thin-walled plastic canister with a wide neck. Typically these are used for water or milk.
    Dust collector from a canister

  • PVC adapter.
    Dust collector from a canister

  • The coupling is any of the available ones.
    Dust collector from a canister

Making a dust container from a plastic canister

The dust collector will be made for such a circular saw.
Dust collector from a canister

She throws out the chips herself through the pipe.
Dust collector from a canister

In addition to the chips, it is necessary to ensure gentle air movement. To do this, drill small holes at the base in one side with a thin drill.
Dust collector from a canister

Dust collector from a canister

It is necessary to select an adapter of the appropriate diameter for the neck of the canister. With today's selection in plumbing stores, this is not at all difficult. We put the adapter on the canister.
Dust collector from a canister

Now to connect all this to the circular saw you need to use a rubber coupling.It also needs to be selected.
Dust collector from a canister

To securely connect the canister with the PVC adapter, glue the connection with hot glue.
Dust collector from a canister

We put our dust collector on the output pipe of the saw.
Dust collector from a canister

And, we try to work.
Dust collector from a canister

Nothing gets in the way underneath. Even more convenient than using a vacuum cleaner hose.
And here is the result. Almost all the shavings settled in the canister.
Dust collector from a canister

This dust collector is easy to remove and put on. You can use it anywhere. And a transparent plastic water bottle, naturally with its own selected adapters and couplings, is also suitable as a canister.
Dust collector from a canister

In the example, it is imperative to use thin-walled containers, since they are light and will not create unnecessary load on the tool, and will hold securely without falling off the pipe.

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Comments (1)
  1. Vita
    #1 Vita Guests May 3, 2019 05:01
    Do not forget that in this case the engine may be cooling and the holes may be too small.