Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Surely, when working with batteries to replace them, you needed resistance welding. Since it is very undesirable to solder lithium-ion batteries with regular solder, there is a danger of overheating. Buying or making expensive equipment for two or three cases is definitely not profitable and costly. But such a resistance welding machine is available to absolutely everyone. After all, it essentially consists of just one part, called a supercapacitor.
This is almost the same capacitor, only with a high capacity. Having all the same advantages as a regular capacitor.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Will need

Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Making a simple resistance welding machine from a supercapacitor

We unwind the skein of wire and cut off two identical pieces 5-7 cm long.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

We straighten them with wire cutters or pliers so that they are very even. Now, on one side of each segment, we clean the edge with a file, removing the varnish insulation.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

And on the other side we make a point.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Tinking contacts ionistor.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

We tin the bare and blunt ends of pieces of copper wire.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Solder the pieces to the contacts of the supercapacitor.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

The resistance welding machine is completely ready!
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

All that remains is to bend the leads with wire cutters so that there is a minimum distance between the tips of 2-3 mm.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

We charge with a current of 5 A.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

The voltage should not exceed 2.7 V. Although, as you can see in the photo, mine is one tenth more. This is certainly not critical, but it’s better not to risk it.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Charging lasted approximately 15 minutes.

contact welding

Now let's figure out how to weld. Since our apparatus is incredibly simple, it cannot regulate the length of the pulses. The whole task thus falls on you. Therefore, exposure will have to be done intuitively.
Here is an example of how to solder a metal strip to a battery. Place the strip on the battery. Now we bring the contacts of the device and thereby quickly close it.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

We hold it for about 0.5 seconds and quickly remove it so as not to burn out the connection.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Everything was welded perfectly.
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

It is better not to weld the first time - be sure to practice.
Weld the blade:
Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Resistance welding using one supercapacitor

Everything is secure and will definitely not fall off. Place the main emphasis on training, and then everything will go like clockwork. One charge ionistor enough for a dozen of these welds.

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Comments (9)
  1. Akril
    #1 Akril Guests 13 April 2019 17:33
    A cool toy, I won’t say that I use resistance welding every day and there is a real need for it, but just for fun I would try to make such a tool for myself
  2. Valery I.
    #2 Valery I. Guests 13 April 2019 19:47
    Can't you just use a bank of capacitors? After all, a 500 F capacitance is not needed to weld foil to the contact pads, and the capacitors can be set to a higher voltage, and the capacitance can be used to adjust the time of the welding pulse, and after each welding cycle, the capacitor can be charged again, but of course in much less time.
  3. Akakiy
    #3 Akakiy Guests 13 April 2019 22:02
    The price of the issue is very interesting.
  4. Vita
    #4 Vita Guests 14 April 2019 05:59
    There may be a need to change one section in the battery: a screwdriver, etc., there are just such jumpers. Author's flaw. And the design itself needs to be improved while the capacitor is still new (pressure - contacts). And then it is not a toy, but a full-fledged tool.
  5. apear
    #5 apear Guests 14 April 2019 23:04
    I don’t remember the denomination, but in Soviet times, paper seals were used to seal the clasps of girls’ briefcases at school.
  6. Guest Pavel
    #6 Guest Pavel Guests 15 April 2019 19:10
    I wonder where you are ionistor did you buy it and how much does it cost? Is the game worth the candle?*
  7. Alexei
    #7 Alexei Guests 16 April 2019 12:29
    You also need to buy a charger. Not everyone has it.
  8. Michael
    #8 Michael Guests 31 October 2020 14:15
    I bought the same one a week ago for 390 rubles, but in fact for an impulse of 0.1 seconds you need at least 5V. And this is already 2 ionistor at 2.7v. And 2.7V is not enough for welding. You will have to withstand the impulse longer and this is already extra and unnecessary heating of the plate with the battery.
  9. Maksat
    #9 Maksat Guests 4 December 2022 13:14
    Prikolna s vantusom ya sam kuzavnoy master vantus menya udevil nado paprobavet sps