How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

All material objects that surround us every day are intended for something. A spoon is needed to eat, a hanger is needed to store clothes in the closet, a book is needed to read...
What if you look at familiar things from a different angle? A spoon can be turned into a collecting lens, a hanger into a convenient holder for a picture on the wall, a book into a weight or counterweight.

Nut - crimper

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

To reliably connect the welding cable to a power source or consumer, an aluminum or copper tip is used, for crimping which a special tool is required - crimping pliers or a crimper.
But if it is not at hand, then the crimper can be successfully replaced with an ordinary hexagonal steel nut. Moreover, the larger the cable cross-section, the larger the size of the hardware should be.
To do this, clamp the nut in a vice and cut it into two equal parts with a grinder.
How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

Then, putting the tip on the bend of the stranded wire, wrap it around the nut halves and, placing it between the jaws of the vice, gently squeeze until the parts fit together almost without gaps.
How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

After removing the improvised crimper (nut halves), we make sure that the tip has reliably and firmly crimped the bend of the stranded wire, providing the necessary electrical contact, which is very important for the high-quality operation of welding equipment.
How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

Hacksaw blade - sandpaper cutter

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

Due to its layered structure, it is not at all easy to carefully tear off a piece of sandpaper from an array without special tools, especially when it is fabric-based.
To facilitate and refine this operation, it is convenient to use an old blade for a hacksaw for metal as a technical “assistant”, preferably a double-sided one, which has greater rigidity.
How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

To do this, it is necessary to place volumetric washers under the steel strip to ensure a guaranteed gap, using screws of suitable size, and screw it with an electric drill or a hand screwdriver through the holes at the ends to a wooden wall or board.
How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

How to crimp a ferrule using a nut

Now it is enough to insert the sandpaper from below between the wall and the canvas, grab it from above with the other hand and pull the top edge down until the strip of sandpaper bends over the top edge of the canvas and, holding the sheet from below, begin to tear off the desired piece from one edge of the strip to the other. In order for the tear line to be smooth, it is necessary to hold the bottom edge of the paper in one position, without moving upward.

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Comments (7)
  1. Yuri Lisovsky
    #1 Yuri Lisovsky Guests 28 March 2019 19:49
    45 years ago I came up with the idea of ​​crimping the ends of a flexible wire feed hose on an automatic welding machine in this way... Eh, I didn’t patent it.
  2. Guest Vladimir
    #2 Guest Vladimir Guests March 29, 2019 05:32
    Sandpaper cuts well with scissors. At the same time, the scissors are also sharpened.
  3. Igor
    #3 Igor Guests 29 March 2019 17:01
    Crimping is an interesting option. Thank you!
  4. Guest
    #4 Guest Guests 30 March 2019 18:44
    I've been tearing off sandpaper with my hands all my life, this is the first time I've heard of "special devices."
  5. Guest Yuri
    #5 Guest Yuri Guests 31 March 2019 16:47
    You can't do a lot of welding with such a holder, especially if the tip is aluminum and the cable is copper. For home, for yourself, to weld something, once a week 1-2 electrodes are possible, more - the insulation on the cord (cable) will start to burn, hold oh... and it will heat up until it all burns off or will melt.
  6. Guest Victor
    #6 Guest Victor Guests April 1, 2019 02:32
    Pourquois ne pa? Quite an option for a one-time crimp. Better than squashing it with a hammer on an anvil. But the need to fold the core in half indicates an incorrect selection of the tip section. Again, it will work as a quick one-time option, but you shouldn’t make it a rule.
  7. Guest Andrey
    #7 Guest Andrey Guests October 6, 2019 11:54
    For crimping the tip, instead of a nut, a cut bolt head for a hexagon is more suitable; it turns out almost like hydraulic pliers.The main thing is that the bolt head is thick-walled, otherwise the resulting jaws may come apart.