How to repair a small hole in drywall

How to repair a small hole in drywall

Drywall material is simply wonderful; you can use it to build walls or level them without any problems. Very easy to cut and process. But unfortunately, for all its advantages, drywall does not have the proper strength. This makes it so easy to damage it.
And if there is a hole in the plasterboard wall, you will have to repair it. But here you will have certain difficulties.
The fact is that you can’t just fill up the hole and cover it with putty, since the hole is through and all the putty will simply fall inside. What should you do, remove the sheet of drywall? Of course not. I'll show you one trick that will come in handy for such cases.

Will need

  • Pencil and paper.
  • Hot glue gun.
  • A popsicle stick or other piece of thin wood.
  • Long nose pliers.
  • A small piece of drywall for sealing.
  • Sharp knife.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Putty.
  • Use a flat scraper or a piece of thick cardboard instead.

How to repair a small hole in drywall

Popsicle sticks:
How to repair a small hole in drywall

Fixing a hole in a plasterboard wall

If you remember, in childhood we took a five-kopeck coin, covered it with a piece of paper and stroked it on top with a simple pencil, and the design of the coin was transferred to the piece of paper. Here we need to transfer the hole to a piece of paper.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

We place the sheet on the hole and trace the outline of the hole, transferring it to the sheet. The hole has an oval shape. You also need to break off the ice cream stick so that it is larger than the diameter of the hole, but not by much.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

Here it is, this trick. We need to insert a piece of stick, smeared with glue, holding it with pliers, into the hole.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

And place it in the middle like this:
How to repair a small hole in drywall

I advise you to practice. Once everything is ready, grease the edges of the shelf with hot glue and quickly place it in the hole and hold it in tension until the glue hardens.
Next, take a piece of drywall and cut out a patch in the shape of the hole.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

Lubricate the patch with hot glue and carefully glue it in place.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

It turns out that the ice cream stick holds this patch.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

We go over the joints with sandpaper to remove all nicks and irregularities.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

Well, then, I think you know what to do: primer, putty, paint.
How to repair a small hole in drywall

A couple of additional tips:
  • Instead of hot glue, you can use liquid nails.
  • If your knocked-out hole has sharp corners, I recommend using a file to bring the shape of the hole to a simpler shape of a circle, oval or square.

In general, if everything is done correctly, there will be no trace of the hole left.
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Comments (2)
  1. guest
    #1 guest Guests 21 June 2018 18:41
    Isn’t it easier to seal the serpyanka, plaster it with rotband and level it with vetanite RL?
  2. Guest Alexander
    #2 Guest Alexander Guests 16 July 2018 15:31
    I take an ordinary plaster bandage from the pharmacy, it costs a penny, and I roll it up in 2-3 layers. A couple of minutes in warm water, applied it, smoothed it out. EVERYTHING.