Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

The simplest way to increase the signal level of your cell phone in a few minutes. You will need absolutely nothing other than a piece of wire of a certain length. This method will definitely help in difficult life situations.
Before modifying a cell phone, I show the initial signal level.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

Now it is equal to: minus 99 dB - 7 units.
We disassemble the smartphone, namely, remove the back cover. SIM cards, batteries, etc. are hidden under it. We are interested in antenna connectors.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

Usually, there is one connector for connecting an external GSM antenna, but sometimes there can be several of them: wi-fi, 4G, 3G. See their captions. We are interested in the GSM socket.

Making a simple antenna for a cell phone

Now you need to take a piece of insulated wire, with a central core of such a diameter that will be inserted into the central socket of this connector. The wiring must be exposed on one side for connection.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

But it's not that simple: this wiring must be of a certain length in order for it to work as efficiently as possible as an external antenna.
Namely, its length should be 1/4 of the wavelength. The wavelength can be calculated from the frequency at which your cell phone operates.
Most phones operate in a range where the average frequency will be 1.9 GHz. But there are exceptions, as in my case - 0.8 GHz.
Now you need to calculate the wavelength; for this you can use numerous online services on the network.
  • For a frequency of 0.8 GHz - 38 cm, now divide by 4 and get the length of the antenna wiring - 9.5 cm.
  • And for a frequency of 1.9 GHz - 16 cm, divide by 4 and get - 4 cm.

We cut the wire to the required length and insert the bare end into the antenna connector.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

It can be bent from the top so that it does not protrude beyond the body.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

Let's distribute it in the area of ​​the battery.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

We hold the antenna with our fingers; you can secure it with a piece of tape.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

Close the back cover of the smartphone.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

The result is visible immediately. The level increased to minus 85 dB and amounted to 14 units, which is quite good.
Antenna for smartphone in 3 minutes

Well, if you find yourself in a completely hopeless situation and cannot calculate the length of the wiring, take any segment.
Bye everyone.

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Comments (25)
  1. Ildar
    #1 Ildar Guests June 1, 2018 09:42
    Never do this because this is a phone testing connector. By inserting the wire, a very sensitive element - the radio module - will fail. After this, the phone is not able to work for its intended purpose.
    1. cat
      #2 cat Guests 1 June 2018 14:21
      Nonsense! Nothing will happen to the phone, but there will be no antenna either.
      1. StonedAstronaut
        #3 StonedAstronaut Guests 7 June 2018 05:15
        Ildar is right, for Samsung this is a diagnostic connector for the radio module, which is also an antenna connector. It does not disable the radio module, but hardware disables the antenna built into the phone and it is not always possible to bring it back to life even with firmware if there is no original csc. Starting with the Galaxy s4, more than one idiot has said goodbye to the normal operation of the built-in antenna.
    2. Anonymous
      #4 Anonymous Guests June 2, 2018 11:31
      Nonsense. This is exactly the antenna input. But the antenna cannot be positioned exactly like this - the wavelength cannot be maintained. And the antenna itself turns out to be polarized - when the phone is rotated in a different plane, it will not catch anything at all.
      1. StonedAstronaut
        #5 StonedAstronaut Guests June 7, 2018 05:17
        No, not that, it’s a diagnostic connector with a trigger for the radio module, when it’s activated, the internal antenna is turned off until the csc backup firmware is updated, and that doesn’t always help.
  2. Nick
    #6 Nick Guests 1 June 2018 16:07
    I don't have such a connector
  3. Iskander
    #7 Iskander Guests 1 June 2018 18:32
    I have a phone without a cover. where to put it? (Rzhevsky, be silent!)
  4. Anonymous
    #8 Anonymous Guests June 2, 2018 11:29
    The cover fits very tightly to the phone. Do not close it, and the location of the quarter-wave antenna will lead to a lack of signal amplification. Or even weakening it.
  5. Oleg-sg
    #9 Oleg-sg Guests 2 June 2018 21:26
    The guy is not good at physics.If you bend the wire, you shorten it, like an antenna
    1. Oleg-Ga
      #10 Oleg-Ga Guests 5 June 2018 14:11
      What nonsense?
      The Unified State Exam generation, damn it.
      Have you seen antennas in Wi-Fi modules?
  6. Volkon
    #11 Volkon Guests 3 June 2018 13:49
    ....Well, if you find yourself in a completely hopeless situation and cannot calculate the length of the wiring, take any segment.
    - Connected a non-working village power grid. The smartphone stopped working!
  7. Guest Andrey
    #12 Guest Andrey Guests 4 June 2018 10:26
    An antenna is already installed inside the phone. Engineers, to the extent possible, adapt it to the limited space of the housing and adjacent metal parts. Any “insertion” of a wire into a socket, especially one pressed against a metal battery, will, at best, lead to an occasional small change in sensitivity.
    1. gvsp
      #13 gvsp Guests 18 June 2018 15:25
      Exactly, the engineers are idiots like, wouldn’t they have thought of making such an antenna? Or is it a conspiracy of engineers to install more communication towers?
  8. Guest Sergey
    #14 Guest Sergey Guests June 8, 2018 08:51
    The advice is very harmful, inserting the wire in this way will damage the internal movable contact of the socket and then when you disconnect this wire the phone will no longer find the network at all. To connect external antennas this way, you definitely need special plugs (pigtails).
    1. CTC
      #15 CTC Guests 3 July 2018 14:23
      nonsense the connection catches as before after disconnecting the wire
  9. Dmitriy
    #16 Dmitriy Guests June 28, 2018 10:45
    Ooh, let's go insert it. Why, the phone can’t pick up?
  10. Andrey
    #17 Andrey Guests December 7, 2018 20:58
    Well, you damn scribe are so smart... This socket is designed for connecting an external antenna with subsequent disconnection of the built-in antenna... just look at the phone diagram... my smart feels great with a piece of wire on the back of the head + 25 - 30% increase in signal. literature wise guys...