Electronic battery recovery

According to statistics, more than half of batteries fail due to plate sulfation. I won’t go into detail about the reasons why this phenomenon occurs, but in a small part it is due to improper use of the battery. And in most cases - with a long battery life.

There are a number of ways to reverse sulfation, a process called desulfation. I'll tell you how to build an electronic device that can desulfate the battery plates with electrical impulses.

Advantages of the electronic method of battery recovery

To restore the battery, you do not need to undergo any disassembly, which is so important when restoring non-separable or gel batteries. It doesn’t even need to be removed from the car if we are talking about a car battery.

This recovery method is effective in 80 percent of cases - and this is a very good percentage.

The method is not time-consuming and will take you no more than 24 hours.

Electrical diagram

The scheme is not complicated. On the left is a rectifier bridge with smoothing capacitors.Next comes a stabilizer on a microcircuit, which powers a master oscillator assembled on a 555 timer. The timer, in turn, controls a powerful field-effect transistor, which connects the battery to the power source.

The entire circuit is connected to a rectifier transformer, with a secondary winding output of 15-20 volts alternating current. The voltage is rectified into direct current up to 20-25 V. This will be the main voltage that will be supplied to the battery. The master oscillator produces very short high-frequency pulses, somewhere around 10-35 kHz. Using a transistor switch, these pulses are sent to the battery.

Operating principle

The device delivers short, high-amplitude pulses to the battery. The peak, which can reach a value of 10-25 A. Under the influence of these high-frequency and high-amplitude pulses, electrons and ions are excited, which in turn destroy lead sulfate, and the battery restores its capacity.

This restoration method is very effective and helps bring seemingly almost “dead” batteries back to life.

Assembling the desulfation device

You can assemble the circuit on a breadboard. It would not be superfluous to install the transistor on a small radiator.

Battery recovery process

In any case, before you start restoring the battery, it would be a good idea to check the presence of electrolyte in the banks. And, if necessary, add distilled water.

Well, then we connect it to the battery like a regular charger and periodically monitor the charging process by measuring the voltage on the battery.

The whole process can take you from 1 hour to 24 hours, it all depends on the battery capacity. Naturally, for car batteries it will be higher.It is also possible that a battery with a large capacity may require a more powerful mains transformer with a higher voltage.

A variable resistor regulates the pulse frequency. Rotating which, experimentally, achieves the best recovery results.

During all this time I have managed to restore more than one battery. The device is suitable for both 12-volt and 6-volt batteries.

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Comments (7)
  1. Vyacheslav
    #1 Vyacheslav Guests 29 January 2018 17:46
    can you give more details?
  2. Evgeniy Ganko
    #2 Evgeniy Ganko Guests 31 January 2018 13:55
    Thank you !
  3. Vladimir Gryadovkin
    #3 Vladimir Gryadovkin Guests 4 February 2018 12:16
    If the active mass has crumbled, then no electronic devices can lift it back into place! Don’t believe in fairy tales!
  4. SanSanych
    #4 SanSanych Guests 22 February 2018 10:25
    Experienced...how's that?
  5. Guest Sergey
    #5 Guest Sergey Guests 24 February 2018 20:31
    Judging by the article, the author has a good command of electronics, but is poorly versed in chemistry and is not very close to the main topic of the video. The main reason for battery failure at the end of its service life is not due to sulfation, but to the destruction of the positive plate array. In this case, only disassembling and replacing the positive plates will save you. But, even if the cause of battery failure is sulfation of the plates, it is not a fact that by removing the sulfation of the active mass, you will bring the battery back to life. The fact is that even with average sulfation of the separation plates, lead sulfate crystals are formed, which grow through the separation. And when the sulfation is removed, these lead sulfate crystals are reduced to metallic lead and form bridges between the positive and negative plates, which short-circuit the plates with each other. As a result, a battery with defective banks has a very high self-discharge. In such banks, an almost complete discharge of defective cans can occur within a day...
  6. Vasya
    #6 Vasya Guests 8 September 2018 16:37
    I did it according to a similar principle. The battery stupidly fell to the bottom. although the power of the transformer was not large 63 watts, acc 62Ah. This desulfation method is not suitable for Akum at all.
  7. Guest Vladimir
    #7 Guest Vladimir Guests 11 June 2019 17:55
    The stated frequency is 10-20 kHz, and on the oscillogram it is 153 Hz.
    To measure a current pulse, you can connect a low-resistance resistor (0.1-0.05) ohms to the charging circuit, connect oscilloscope probes to it and calculate the pulse amplitude using Ohm’s law.