New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree

Very soon, a blanket of snow will cover the ground and the smell of New Year's holidays will be in the air. If you have a coniferous tree (pine, spruce, thuja) growing in your yard or dacha, then it’s time to think about their holiday decorations. Don’t rush to run to the Christmas tree decorations store and buy everything that shimmers beautifully with sparkles. It’s better to make decorations for the New Year’s tree with your own hands. If nothing comes to mind, then look carefully at the photo and read the secrets of making different toys.


How can a New Year tree exist without a traditional toy? This is the simplest thing you can make. Take cardboard, roll it into a cylindrical shape and wrap the resulting object with bright fabric or colored cellophane. Tie it at the edges. Use tinsel and beads as decorative elements.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


Another simple Christmas tree toy. To make it, you need to “hide” any old box under wrapping paper, and glue a layer of cellophane on top. Don't forget to tie the package with a beautiful ribbon with a lush bow.This gift looks very good against the background of pine needles.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


As a base, take a regular foam ball and cover it with pine cones mixed with small balls of beige sisal. All components are attached to the foam with a silicone hot gun.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


To make this toy you need to take dense polyethylene in green and white shades. Cut it into square pieces and form each into triangles. Using a glue gun, glue the blanks onto the base so that you get a Christmas tree.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree

Big star

This toy is made from ordinary twigs. Fold the cut branches into a star shape and tie them with wire. The most fragile areas should be additionally coated with silicone. Sprinkle the craft with artificial snow and decorate with pine cones, acorns, and plastic snowflakes.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


Cut out a snowman figurine from a thin sheet of foam plastic using a stencil. It is best to do this work with a stationery knife. Draw the hat, scarf and muzzle with acrylic paints.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


The basis for this bird, as well as for the snowman, is polystyrene foam. And here decor made not only with paints, but also with sequins, rhinestones, and half-beads.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


This toy can be mastered by anyone who knows how to sew. It is made of waterproof fabric. You need to cut out 2 identical blanks, sew them and fill them with padding polyester. Tinsel is sewn along the edge of the star, and bows are sewn onto the fabric.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


Another foam toy. If you like it, do it like this: using a stencil, cut out a snowflake with a head, and then paint the blank on both sides with acrylic paints. The wind will twirl the toy, but no matter how you look at it, it’s still beautiful.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree

Little star

Such a toy can be made from hardboard or wood.To do this, cut out a star, paint it golden and decorate it with sparkles. To secure them, drill small holes in the corners. This toy looks very original.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


The pine cones in this craft are fixed on a foam ball. There are also red beads that imitate small berries.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


Take a cardboard blank as a basis. Cover it with cellophane and decorate it with floral mesh, and tie a bow of golden ribbon on top. This bell looks very cute.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


Cut the base from thick cardboard or hardboard. As decoration, you can use self-adhesive film and colored cellophane.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


This toy is made from the same materials as the previous one. You need cardboard blanks covered with self-adhesive film. The waves on which the boat will sail can be made of blue tinsel.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


Take 1 large box and 1 small box. Decorate them with wrapping paper, glue white fabric and tinsel of the same color on top and bottom. The small box is connected to the large one using silicone, resulting in a house with a porch. Near it you can attach a figurine of Santa with a bag of gifts in his hands.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


The base of this toy is cut out of hardboard using a stencil. On the dial, draw houses, windows, Christmas trees in the snow, a snowman, children or something of your own. In the center of the clock, glue arrows that will show that the New Year is about to come.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree


This cute toy is made on an oval-shaped foam base. It needs to be covered with strips of white polyethylene. Paws, wings and scallops can be made from self-adhesive film and cardboard.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree

Father Frost

No one will guess what's inside this crafts there is a five-liter bottle.Want to make one like this? Then find a suitable plastic container and paint it with paint from a can. You can use blue and white. Make the beard and hair from foam balls, fixing them with silicone. The nose will be a bottle cap, the eyes can be bought at a craft store, and the mouth will be a piece of red plastic. The craft is decorated with silver tinsel.
New Year's toys for decorating a street spruce or pine tree

There is still plenty of time before the New Year; you can make all these decorations and even come up with something of your own. The more crafts you make, the more elegant the street spruce or pine tree will look.
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