golden smelt

Smelt. There are so many delicious things that immediately come to mind. Soups are made from smelt, it is fried, baked, and stewed. And the smell of smelt, reminiscent of the smell of a fresh cucumber, does not fit with the word “fish” at all.
As you know, smelt is a welcome guest on every table, but how to cook it in such a way that it does not fall apart and has a beautiful golden color? This is what this recipe will be about.
Smelt belongs to the salmon family of fish.
golden smelt

This fish lives only in clean and cool water.
Smelt - a very healthy fish for the human body. It contains phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iron and other trace elements. This fish is useful for consumption by everyone, but especially by the elderly.
Required ingredients:
  • Smelt – 1 kg.
  • Flour – 3 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt and pepper, to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Paper towels – 5 – 6 pcs.
  • Plastic bag - 1 pc.
  • Dish for prepared smelt – 1 pc.

golden smelt

Calories: per 100 gr. product - 102 kcal.
In 100 gr. contains: protein – 15.5 g., fats – 4.5 g., carbohydrates – 0 g.
If the smelt is frozen, you need to defrost it.
If the fish is fresh, then you need to rinse the smelt thoroughly and you can start cooking.
golden smelt

The first step is to prepare paper towels on the table; you can fold them in half so that they are not so saturated with water.
After washing the fish, place it on paper towels and let it dry a little (the towels will absorb unnecessary moisture).
golden smelt

However, if you really don’t have time, you can skip this step and start frying right away.
Pour flour and spices into a regular plastic bag, then add fish there.
golden smelt

We tie the bag, having previously released all the excess air, and thoroughly shake all the contents so that each fish is flour-breaded.
golden smelt

After preheating the frying pan and adding oil, add the smelt and fry over moderately high heat, turning, until golden brown.
golden smelt

After a golden crust appears on both sides, remove the fish from the heat and place it in a flat plate or dish prepared in advance for it.
Then let the smelt cool slightly and you can serve. Often, smelt does not require any side dish due to its richness and taste.
To enhance the taste, smelt can be served with black bread and fresh or stewed vegetables.
The dish is ready.
Bon appetit.
golden smelt
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Comments (1)
  1. vavilonovich
    #1 vavilonovich Guests 9 August 2017 23:03
    The other day, relatives were going to come to us, and we were thinking about what to cook, now the issue has been resolved. A very detailed recipe, the smelt turns out golden and incredibly tasty. Thanks for the article from me and my family.)