Original paper flower

This flower is made using round-shaped blanks folded in a certain way. You can learn how to do this from the proposed master class.
Original paper flower

To work you will need a sheet of paper, a pencil, scissors, some round object (for quickly drawing circles), and glue.
Original paper flower

Draw nine identical circles and cut them out with scissors. Eight of them will be the flower petals, and one will be needed for the base.
Original paper flower

Let's start making petals. To do this, fold one of the circles in half. Then at its base we mark the middle using a slight fold.
Original paper flower

In the direction of this middle we bend the right side of our semicircular blank.
Original paper flower

We turn it over to the other side and make a fold, forming a segment (its right side should coincide with the previously made fold).
Original paper flower

We turn the petal blank over to the other side again. Make a fold at the top of the segment. This is how we got one of the petals of the future flower.
Original paper flower

We make seven more such petals.
Original paper flower

Now let's work on the base on which we will glue all the petals.To do this, fold the circle four times and cut off a small part along the edges of the resulting workpiece.
Original paper flower

Let's expand this circle. Marked fold lines and cut parts will help to position the petals evenly.
Original paper flower

Glue the first petal, aligning its top with the center of the base.
Original paper flower

Then glue the remaining petals. For every fourth part of the circle of our base, two petals are placed.
Original paper flower

To decorate the core of the flower, you can glue some decorative element.
Original paper flower
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