How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

For the construction of a gazebo or light frame building, it is optimal to use concrete piles as a foundation. If their quantity is correctly calculated, such a solution will be in no way inferior to a classic tape, but at the same time will cost several times less. Pouring concrete piles is a relatively simple process that can be done entirely with your own hands without outside help.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively


  • fittings;
  • rolled wire;
  • knitting wire;
  • studs 22 mm;
  • washers and nuts M22;
  • concrete M500;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone;
  • plasticizer;
  • roofing felt;
  • welded mesh;
  • bitumen primer.

The process of pouring piles

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the diameter and depth of the piles. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the technical recommendations for your specific region. The building load, freezing depth and soil type are taken into account. An appropriate drill is selected for the parameters of the piles, and holes are drilled.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

Next, reinforcement is done. In this case, 3 turns of 8 mm reinforcement will be sufficient for each column under the gazebo. Under them, 2 triangular frames made of 5 mm rolled wire are bent in a vice.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

The finished crossbars are connected to the reinforcement into a single frame using knitting wire. Then a little sand is poured into the bottom of the wells, and the associated reinforcement cages are lowered.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

Before concrete work, you need to prepare studs for attaching the bottom trim beam to each post. A washer is screwed onto the part of the stud that will be in the concrete and a nut is installed. You need to wrap masking tape on the outer half. It will prevent drops of concrete from getting between the threads. The masking tape will also serve as a guide to the depth of immersion in the concrete.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

Now you can proceed to mixing M300 concrete. For this, the following proportions are used: cement M500 1 part, sand 2 parts, crushed stone 2.5 parts, 1/2 part water and plasticizer according to the instructions. The last component will make the solution plastic without adding a large amount of water. The smaller it is, the stronger the concrete will be after hardening.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

Concrete is poured into the wells in several stages with a break for compaction using an internal vibrator. It is advisable not to skimp and rent it for the day; with it the piles will be stronger and more durable.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

Next, a formwork made of rolled-up roofing felt, reinforced with welded mesh on top, is installed in the wells. Its height is leveled along the thread, and concrete is poured inside. First, the formwork is not filled completely to insert the pin, then it is filled completely. The concrete is compacted with a vibrator, and the horizontal position of the stud must be controlled.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

After a week, you can remove the formwork and treat the pile heads with a bitumen primer for waterproofing. After 28 days from the moment of pouring, the concrete will gain full strength. Since the pile foundation does not need to be stood, you can immediately start on it construction.
How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

How to make a pile foundation quickly and inexpensively

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Comments (1)
  1. Dmitriy
    #1 Dmitriy Guests 2 November 2020 15:57
    It’s too complicated, considering that this is a gazebo, not a house, then all this is done simpler, take a sewer pipe, at the corners 160 in diameter, the rest 110 in diameter, if the soil is not a swamp or sand, it is enough to deepen it 50 cm, and 10-20 cm on top leave it, for a gazebo, it is enough to fill the pipe halfway with large crushed stone and fill it with a solution, the main thing is that the thinner the better. As a result, we have an almost eternal pile, since the outside is polyethylene, and the inside is concrete with crushed stone.