How to make a volumetric figure

When the birthday of their beloved child approaches, all parents try to prepare all sorts of things for their baby. present, treats. To ensure that the holiday takes place in a solemn atmosphere, mothers and fathers decorate the apartment with balloons, photographs and other attributes of the celebration.
How to make a volumetric figure

Volumetric figures for a child’s birthday are becoming increasingly popular among parents who want to decorate their apartment for the holiday, prepare for a photo shoot and simply make their child happy. However, not every parent knows how to make such a figure on their own.
The work on creating a deuce can be divided into two stages: creating a frame and decorating the number.

How to make a frame-base for a two-piece?

In order to make a frame, you will need:
  • large cardboard box,
  • wide tape,
  • paper-based masking tape,
  • ruler, marker,
  • stationery knife, scissors.

First you need to draw the number two on the box. Try to carefully draw all the corners. When the drawing is ready, it needs to be cut out. Since cutting thick cardboard with scissors is very difficult, it will be better and more convenient to use a stationery knife.Then you should make a copy of the two, placing the base on cardboard. As a result, you should have two cardboard figures.
To make the two look three-dimensional, you should cut out a few more cardboard elements and use tape to connect them to two numbers.
How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

The frame is ready.
It is known that flowers made from napkins will not be attached to ordinary tape. To make the decorating process easier, you should cover all joints with paper-based tape. Cover the frame of the double with napkins of your favorite color using PVA glue.

How to decorate a three-dimensional figure?

There are many ways to decorate a three-dimensional figure. Some people prefer to use corrugated paper for decoration, others choose felt. There are also those who like flowers made from napkins.
How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

In order to decorate a voluminous two-piece with roses made from napkins, you will need:
  • several packs of napkins of any color,
  • PVA glue,
  • stapler,
  • scissors,
  • cardboard circle.

The easiest way to make a flower from napkins.

1. Take three napkins folded in four. Place a medium-sized circle cut out of cardboard on top of them. Cut along the outline.
2. Staple all the resulting napkin circles in the center with a stapler.
3. Now you need to detach the top layer of the paper napkin and crumple it, then the second one, and so on. Crumple each layer individually, trying to apply as much pressure as possible from below. As a result, you should get a rose. You will need a lot of such flowers.
Preliminarily consider the design of the two-piece. It can be made either in one color or in a combination of several colors, you can come up with some unusual pattern, or you can simply alternate roses of different colors.
It is necessary to decorate the number with flowers not only on the front, but also on the sides. This will visually increase the size of the two-piece and give it additional volume.
Volumetric figure 2 is ready.
How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure

Your baby will definitely like it and will become the main decoration of the celebration, captured in memorable photos during the birthday celebration of your two-year-old.
How to make a volumetric figure

How to make a volumetric figure
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Comments (1)
  1. mila
    #1 mila Guests 26 August 2017 22:45
    Interesting idea, I'll have to take note. What if you replace napkins with corrugated paper?