Polymer clay master class

Master classes:

Decor of a mug with polymer clay

What to do if you want to have paraphernalia with your favorite character, but it is not on sale? The answer is obvious: create your own amazing hero yourself. Figurines, keychains, and relief decor on mugs can be made from polymer clay with your own hands. It's enough just

How to make your own Oreo keychain

Do you love Oreo cookies? If you like it, then let's make a keychain - Oreo cookies. It has many advantages: such cookies will always be with you, they will not spoil. It can also be attached to a backpack, pencil case or bag. But he only has

Invisible Woman with Whitewing

Required materials: bobby pins, yellow and purple (can be replaced with a different color) polymer clay, salt, acrylic paint with the "Mother of Pearl" effect, a heart-shaped stencil, a plastic knife (you can use a stationery knife, a bead with

Horse head magnet

Materials: polymer clay (brown, sand, black and white), dry pastel (white, yellow, orange), toothpicks, plastic knife, pre-prepared horse head template. 1. Roll out a piece of brown length into a layer 2-3 thick

Lizard on a stone

You will need: stone, red, copper and white plastic, black acrylic paint, brush, toothpick, old toothbrush, knife. 1. Roll a sausage out of red plastic. Form the head, body of the lizard and tail...

Polymer clay pancakes

It's Maslenitsa week - it's time to bake pancakes! But the trouble is, pancakes always go away instantly and only pleasant memories remain. We decided to make pancakes that will remind us of Shiroka Maslenitsa for a long time, since

Egyptian earrings

Where to put the remains of plastic (aka polymer clay), those multi-colored pieces that remain from large products? For me there is always the same answer: mix everything until a uniform color and sculpt jewelry, covering the finished products with gold or

Electric guitar made of polymer clay

Materials and tools: cut out outline of an electric guitar from paper, polymer clay (blue, black and silver), a knife special for plastic or stationery, toothpicks, pins with balls at the end (12 pieces), varnish for plastic. 1. Cut out the outline

Plastic pendant

Today, jewelry made with polymer clay, or, as it is also called, plastic, has become very popular in the fashion world. This material is quite budget-friendly, inexpensive, and besides, it is accessible to everyone - you can use it to sculpt a variety of

Piece of grapefruit cake

We will need: polymer clay (brown and white), a stationery knife, toothpicks or an awl, acrylic paint, a plastic grapefruit sausage, tweezers.

Creating a scented rose jewelry set

Everyone strives to be fashionable and dress with a twist. And what modern girl doesn’t want to wear exclusive jewelry, and even made with her own hands? With this master class you will learn how to create beautiful decorations in the form of fragrant roses

Custom snowman

New Year's holidays are coming soon, and all needlewomen want to not only give their family and friends something original and unique, but also create a holiday atmosphere in the house. Here the universal thing will be none other than

Sheep made of polymer clay

Everyone knows very well and probably everyone is already looking forward to the coming of the next 2015 - the Year of the Sheep. This animal brings a lot of joy and good mood, so you need to greet it properly on New Year’s Eve. Festive

Japanese poppy

To make poppy seeds from Japanese polymer clay, you will need Claycraft by Deco clay in white, blue and red.White is the base color, and red and blue are pigments that are added to the base white and create the necessary

Bear photo stand

A photo stand is not only a useful thing, but also an excellent gift. Unfortunately, in stores such stands are monotonous, and their prices are steep. There is a way out - make an original stand in the shape of a bear with your own hands. Us

Cold porcelain dog magnet

You can easily make beautiful magnets with your own hands. Polymer clay or cold porcelain are suitable for this. And in today’s master class you will learn how to make a “dog” magnet. Materials: - Stack for modeling - Magnet - Cold porcelain - Gouache

Demoness OOAC from an old doll

The OOAC technique involves remaking an old doll. From English the abbreviation OOAK is translated as “one of a kind” - “One Of A Kind”. Materials: To create a lady vampire or demoness you will need: An unnecessary doll. Wide and narrow

Earrings "Flowers"

In the summer you want to look bright and beautiful, original jewelry will help with this. But to be sure that no one else will have such decorations, you can make them yourself from polymer clay. The variety of polymer clay is as follows:

Earrings "Pumpkin"

Almost every girl believes that there is no such thing as too much jewelry. And not a single girl will be able to resist original and unique earrings.For the summer, you can make beautiful and bright “Pumpkin” earrings for yourself, which can decorate your summer

Flowers for decoration made of polymer clay

Gone are the days when there was only plasticine and ordinary clay! Now there is such a variety of materials for creativity that your head is spinning with what else to do. Polymer clay is a godsend for creative people. It's very nice on

Buttercup earrings

To create bright and attractive buttercup earrings we will need: three colors of polymer clay, baked glue or transparent gel, a base for earrings with an English lock and a cabochon platform, rubber surgical gloves,

Earrings “Cakes with cream roses”

Materials we will need: • Polymer clay of chocolate cream, green and raspberry colors • Brown acrylic paint • Pins 2 pcs • Screw-in pins 2 pcs • Earrings 2 pcs • Pink crystal beads

Decoration of wedding glasses with plastic roses

Good afternoon, dear readers. In today's master class, I will tell you how to use plastic and accessories to decorate glasses that are suitable for any special event, including a wedding. From small pieces of plastic you need

Bunny earrings made of polymer clay

Increasingly, modern girls, instead of expensive and elaborate jewelry made of precious metals, prefer to wear jewelry made from such a seemingly unattractive material as polymer clay. What is the secret of plastic surgery? In fact, everything is very simple