Pink eight

Spring is very soon. And with it will come a thaw, birdsong, a light warm breeze and the first flowers. And March also gives us an excellent reason to please lovely women and give them gifts for March 8th. A pink card in the shape of a figure eight will be very original for this holiday. The technique is completely simple, so you can teach your son or daughter and they will make a craft for their grandmother, sister or aunt.

For the work you need the simplest materials that are always at hand:
- a piece of thick cardboard;
- scissors (you can take a stationery knife);
- pink napkins (23 pieces);
- stapler;
- a tube of PVA glue;
- pencil.

simple materials

To begin, take a piece of thick cardboard and draw a figure eight on it. As a basis, you can choose a paper box for packaging goods. How to draw a beautiful number 8? You need to take a saucer, trace it along the contour - this is the bottom circle, it is the largest. Then circle the top of the cup - this is a smaller circle. Use it to draw a smaller circle in the center of the larger one. And the glass will serve as the basis for the smallest circle. It's all very simple.But if you don’t want to spend too much time selecting the radii of the circles, then print out the number 8 on the entire A4 sheet and cut it out along the contour. Then transfer the image onto cardboard.

draw the number eight

Using a utility knife and sharp scissors, cut out the outline of the number. It turns out to be such a preparation.

cut out the number

Now proceed to the formation of lush pink flowers. As you understand, choosing this color is not important. You can take the kind of napkins that you have in your household. Blue, yellow, red and even white crafts will also look great.
Take one napkin and fold it into three parts.

Take one napkin

fold a napkin

And this blank also needs to be folded three times. The result is a square measuring 2.5 cm by 2.5 cm.

fold three times

Fix this blank with a stapler in the very center.

Fix the workpiece

Fix the workpiece

Trim the edges. A circle emerges with many thin leaves.

Trim the edges

Gradually collect the leaves in the center and squeeze them with your hands. It turns out a lush small flower. It is not necessary to separate each thin leaf; you can take several at once.

many thin leaves

squeeze them with your hands

Follow the same principle for all other preparations. You should have 21 flowers.

other blanks

paste over the paper blank

Now you need to paste over the paper blank. Take the remaining two napkins and cut them into thin strips 2 cm wide.

Take the remaining two napkins

Gradually cover the surface of the entire number with them. To do this, you need to smear the cardboard base with PVA glue and wrap it around with napkin strips.

Gradually paste over

Gradually paste over

All that remains is to glue all the pink blanks onto the cardboard base. Try to place the flowers closer to each other.

glue all the pink blanks

glue all the pink blanks

This is how an original postcard made from paper napkins looks like.

Pink eight

Pink eight

You can decorate your room with it for the holiday of March 8th by hanging it on the wall. It will also be an original gift for any woman. Using the same principle, you can make numbers for any other holiday. For example, February 14 or 23, December 31, for a wedding anniversary or birthday. The photo shows a craft in one color scheme. And if you form flowers from multi-colored napkins, it will look no less attractive, and even more fun.
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Comments (1)
  1. hjvf
    #1 hjvf Guests 7 March 2015 14:28