Crochet sunflower

A positive sunflower in a pot will decorate any room and make every day radiant! This is an excellent holiday souvenir or just a sign of attention to loved ones, which they will certainly appreciate. Agree, such a present is not only original, but also very attractive!
Crochet sunflower

Knitting crochet process is not long and not labor-intensive. Every craftswoman can crochet a sunflower, even if this is her first experience with crochet.
Prepare for knitting:
• thin hook (1.6 mm);
• dense threads (due to this technique the petals and leaves will keep their shape) in green, yellow, brown and black colors;
• white thread as an addition to black eyes.
Crochet sunflower

For fastening and finishing:
• a straight pencil or any tube (from a ballpoint pen, for example) as a barrel;
• small flower pot;
• padding polyester;
• alabaster.
Crochet sunflower

Each petal consists of 10 rows of single crochets (dc/dc). Knitting them is quite difficult, because the thread is thicker than the hook. But this is a mandatory condition, otherwise all the parts will simply sag. In addition, after knitting 2-3 petals you will “get involved” and things will go faster.
Cast on 6 chain stitches (c) and knit 4 rows of dc. n.
Crochet sunflower

From the 5th, add 1 stitch along the edges of the petal (knit two from one) 4 rows in a row.
Crochet sunflower

After this (already in the final row) you knit 3 double crochets from one point in the center of the row: 1st - with one, 2nd - with two and 3rd again with one. This will help sharpen the top of our petal.
Crochet sunflower

At the end, tie it all along the contour of the st./b. n.
Crochet sunflower

Now the petal has become smooth and denser.
Crochet sunflower

In total you need to create 12 similar instances.
Crochet sunflower

At the end, tie and cut the threads on each, and hide their edges in the work.
Crochet sunflower

We will arrange all these petals in two rows: inner and outer.
Crochet sunflower

But first we need to knit two central circles that will hold the petals and become the center of our flower.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

To the finished circle, first sew 4 yellow parts, and then the remaining 8 (placing them under the first four).
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

Now sew a second brown circle to this flower and leave a small unsewn slit at the bottom.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

Fill the center with padding polyester through it, which will make the center of the sunflower voluminous.
Crochet sunflower

Next, draw eyes and a smile with chalk.
Crochet sunflower

Embroider this cheerful face with black thread, making small white inserts on the eyes.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

According to the height of the trunk, adjust the number of air loops that will serve to create its landscaping. From this chain, knit a single piece of double stitch fabric. n of 10 rows.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

The edges of this strip should be tied or sewn together to form a tube.
Crochet sunflower

Now also knit green leaves from this yarn. Dial 20 v. p, knit 20 rows of dc. n and start reducing their number.
Crochet sunflower

To do this, close the last 3 columns on each edge with one loop, making a common top. After the 4th row we will only have 3 loops left.
Crochet sunflower

Then go back to the bottom edge of the leaf and start lengthening it. This time you need to close the outer threes not in each row, but after 1.The last row should not end with three loops, and indeed should not be sharp.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

Finally, we need to bind the soil for our indoor plant. It is made from a circle, in the center of which a small hole is left for threading onto the barrel. To do this, dial 14 v. p and knit 10-12 circular rows with increases (their number directly depends on the diameter of the pot) and close the outer one.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

To “plant” a sunflower, dilute the alabaster with water, pour it into a pot and immerse the stem there.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

After the top layer has dried, hide the white surface with a black circle.
Crochet sunflower

Place a flower on top of the trunk, having previously coated its protruding plastic end with glue, and sew on the leaves.
Crochet sunflower

Crochet sunflower

Job finished! From now on, the sunflower will bloom forever, and will also delight others for many years.
Crochet sunflower
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