How to permanently remove mold, mildew and clean the seams between tiles

If there is excess dampness caused by insufficient ventilation, fungus and mold appear in the bathroom. They can also often be found on window slopes at the junction with the window frame, where condensation accumulates in winter. They spoil the appearance of the bathroom and slopes; in addition, such growths are harmful to human health, so they must be removed. Let's look at how this can be done, since conventional detergents are ineffective.
How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

Materials and tools:

  • soda ash;
  • white;
  • latex gloves;
  • old toothbrush;
  • capacity;
  • viscose napkin;
  • cotton pads.

How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

Remove mold and mildew permanently

In any unnecessary container you need to prepare a mixture of soda ash and bleach. Since bleach contains chlorine, everything is done with gloves. You need to be prepared for the persistent smell of the product, so ideally work when you plan to leave the house for a couple of hours. First you need to dial 5-7 tbsp. spoons of soda and mix them with white.
How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

The result should be a paste with the consistency of thick sour cream.
How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

The prepared gruel is applied with a toothbrush to mold-affected surfaces. The composition is able to immediately remove growths that could not be eaten. Primarily from the surface of tiles, paint, plastic. It is convenient to apply the mixture with a brush and rub with a hard viscose cloth; in some cases, you can use a dish brush.
How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

If mold and mildew have eaten into the tile joints or plaster, then a mixture of soda ash and bleach will be ineffective. In this case, after cleaning from coarse growths, you need to soak cotton pads in concentrated whiteness and apply them to the affected areas overnight or at least for several hours.
How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

After this time, the chlorine present in the white will kill the fungus and lighten it. He will become completely invisible. It is possible that some of the affected areas will remain dark, but only because the moistened cotton pad did not fit tightly into these areas. You can try to wipe them off again with soda ash, and if that doesn’t help, then repeat the procedure with cotton pads and whitener.
How to permanently remove mold and mildew and clean the seams between tiles

The proposed method of combating mold and mildew only allows you to remove the growths, but if the issue of dampness is not resolved, they will appear again. You need to install an electric hood in the bathroom; if the problem is on the slopes in the other rooms, then a ventilator or dehumidifier will help.

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