Dried squid

Dried squid

Surprisingly, dried squid - everyone's favorite snack for foam - is very easy to prepare at home. This does not require any rare products, and it will take relatively little time - only 2-3 hours. If you do not have a special food dryer, you can cook squid in a regular oven at low temperature.

Required ingredients:

  • rock salt;
  • 1 kg squid.
Dried squid

Step-by-step recipe for cooking dried squid

To make squids easy to clean, lower them into boiling water for 3-5 seconds, then drain the liquid.

Dried squid

We clean each squid from the top of the curled film and remove the insides.

Dried squid

Cut the squid into rings and strips approximately 5 mm wide.

Dried squid

Prepare a saline solution. To do this, dilute 8 tablespoons of salt in 1.5 liters of water at room temperature.

Dried squid

Dip the chopped squid in the salt solution for 5 minutes, then drain the liquid. There is no need to rinse the squid!

Dried squid

Place the squid on a wire mesh and turn on the dryer for 2 hours. The rings should dry at a temperature of 60 degrees. If you dry the squid in the oven, they should be placed on a baking sheet.The cooking time and temperature in this case are similar to the drying conditions in a special apparatus.

Dried squid

As the squids dry (after 1.5 hours), you need to start stirring them periodically.

Dried squid

From 1 kg of wet frozen squid, about 150 g of finished product is obtained. When using dry-frozen squid, the yield is about 350 g.

Dried squid

Enjoy your holiday with wonderful homemade squid!

Dried squid
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