Hair band “Rose”

An elastic band is a hair accessory. It should be not only functional, but also aesthetically beautiful. Today, there is a large selection of jewelry on store shelves that can transform your look. However, you can make such a hair item yourself. It does not take a lot of time. Today I will tell you how to make an elastic band in the shape of a small rose.
Hair band Rosette

To create it we need these materials:
- orange satin ribbon;
- Super glue;
- lighter;
- simple elastic band;
- scissors.
Hair band Rosette

Creation steps:
1. Using sharp scissors, cut out strips, the size of which is approximately one and a half by three centimeters. If you have a thick satin ribbon, like mine, then you will have to cut it not only lengthwise, but also across it.
Hair band Rosette

Hair band Rosette

2. Take one element and fold it as shown in the figure.
Hair band Rosette

3. Next, bend the workpiece in half, holding it tightly with your fingers.
Hair band Rosette

4. Use a lighter to singe the edges so that the threads do not fray. Be careful to ensure that your material does not catch fire when exposed to fire.
Hair band Rosette

5. The result is this miniature petal.
Hair band Rosette

6. We make fifteen more parts using the same principle.
Hair band Rosette

7. Group as shown in the photo.
Hair band Rosette

8.We twist the petal into a tube and fix it with glue. This will be the flower core.
Hair band Rosette

9. Glue the three elements together.
Hair band Rosette

10. Wrap them around the central tube.
Hair band Rosette

11. Connect five fragments.
Hair band Rosette

12. Wrap them around the workpiece.
Hair band Rosette

It turns out to be such a flower.
Hair band Rosette

13. Glue seven petals into a circle - this will be the last tier.
Hair band Rosette

14. We combine everything into a single composition, fixing it with super glue.
Hair band Rosette

15. Attach an elastic band to the back side.
Hair band Rosette

This is what we ended up with.
Hair band Rosette

The rubber band in the shape of an elegant rose is ready! You can make it in a different color, whatever you like and matches your clothes.
Hair band Rosette
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