Lazy lavash strudel

Strudel is a filled confectionery product in the shape of a roll. The fillings can be different, but, as a rule, these are fruits, cottage cheese and other sweet fillings. The roll goes well with drinks such as coffee and tea.

I suggest making lazy strudel with apples. In general, baked goods are prepared from stretched dough, which takes some time to prepare. Instead of dough, you can safely use ready-made pita bread. It can be purchased in advance and used as needed. Lavash is a godsend for many quick dishes; with its help you can work wonders, prepare excellent desserts, as well as snacks.


To prepare strudel you need:

  • apples - 6 pcs.;
  • lavash sheet - 1 pc.;
  • sugar to taste;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • sesame - 1 tsp;
  • vanillin;
  • butter - 50 g.

Step-by-step recipe for making strudel

1. Wash the apples, peel them and chop finely.

cut in small pieces

2. Add sugar to the apples to taste, add cinnamon and a pinch of vanillin. Thanks to this composition, the filling is not only tasty, but also sweet and aromatic.

Add sugar to apples to taste
add cinnamon and a pinch of vanilla

3.The butter should be placed in a bowl and melted in a water bath or low heat.

Butter should be put

4. Place a sheet of lavash on the table and brush with a thin layer of melted butter using a pastry brush. Thanks to this, the pita bread will turn out crispy when baked.

coat with a thin layer

5. Now spread the filling evenly.

Now spread the filling evenly

6. Roll tightly into a roll and place on a baking sheet, seam side down, so that the roll does not unroll.

Roll tightly

7. Using a brush, brush the surface of the roll with the remaining butter and sprinkle with sesame seeds.

place on a baking sheet
Put the strudel to bake

8. Place the strudel to bake in the oven at 180 C for 20 minutes.

Lazy strudel with lavash apples

It should be served warm or cold, cut into portions.

Lazy strudel with lavash apples
Lazy strudel with lavash apples

You can immediately divide the pita bread into pieces and make small portioned rolls. The crust of the roll turns out thin and very crispy, somewhat reminiscent of puff pastry.

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