Nut monkey

Talented needlewomen or craftsmen, of course, are not made, but rather born. Creative people have a sense of colors, shapes and textures that is three times more developed than ordinary people. However, if the creative gift is not developed, if favorable soil or conditions are not created for its flowering or conditions that encourage artistic discovery, it can wither without even opening up. Working on crafts is not just a game, but a way to broaden children's horizons. Children learn to see geometric shapes and three-dimensional bodies in the environment, highlight their properties, transform and complement them. Create crafts using natural materials is not only useful, but also incredibly interesting. How do you like this walnut monkey?

Nut monkey

To make a small primate, you need to find:
- walnuts
- a piece of bread crumb
- PVA glue
- felt-tip pens
- a piece of rope.

Nut monkey

For decoration we will use white stone and dried leaves, and plant the monkey under a palm tree. However, if these materials are not available, the animal can be seated on any other stand or, by making a loop, hung on a decorative home flower. Let us immediately note that all materials used in the craft are interchangeable.For example, rope can be replaced with yarn folded in several layers. Plasticine will take the place of a piece of bread without any hassle. The craft will become much stronger if, instead of PVA glue, you use special analogues for wood or plastic. So let's get started. First, knead the bread crumb with your fingers until it becomes elastic plasticine. We roll a ball out of it, which will serve as the primate’s muzzle. To make it convenient to glue the semicircular part, we extend its edges from the side in contact with the walnut.

Nut monkey

We place the ball on the shell and adjust the size of the muzzle to the shape of the head.

Nut monkey

Immediately sculpt round eyes and ears from the crumb. The finished parts can be put aside and dried, or they can be glued raw. We will use the last option. Small parts of the head will dry on the craft without losing their shape.

Nut monkey

We draw the mouth and eyes with felt-tip pens.

Nut monkey

We will make the limbs of the primate from rope and bread crumb. Using your fingers, knead the bread into a flat cake and wrap the ends of the rope around it. The result was a kind of hands and feet.

Nut monkey

Using PVA we glue the arms and legs of the monkey. There is only one downside to everything that is happening - the glue takes an incredibly long time to dry (10 - 15 minutes). All this time the ropes must be kept in one position. This is really about cultivating willpower and patience. But the result is worth the candle.

Nut monkey

Don't forget about the long ponytail.

Nut monkey

When everything has dried well, attach the head to the body using a thick layer of PVA. We wait another 20-30 minutes. What if the glue can't support the weight of the walnuts? No, everything is okay. Now it's time to decorate a small island. Simple decor looks like that. A green grass bush imitating an exotic palm tree is attached to a piece of rock with plasticine.

Nut monkey

Let's plant a monkey next to the plant.

Nut monkey

Apparently, the primate has dealt with bananas. Now he sits and waits for something tasty to be brought. Maybe a piece of cake? Now the work on the craft can be considered complete. Creative success!
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