Bookmark for a book

Every person loves beautiful and original things, so it’s probably always a joy to receive some exclusive thing in present. It’s no longer fashionable to give all sorts of nonsense, and you probably won’t give trinkets yourself. But you can’t figure out what to give to a certain person so quickly. The best and most valuable gift for any person will be the one you make with your own hands. It doesn’t even matter what it will be, but the most important thing is to make the product yourself. For book lovers, the perfect gift would be an original handmade bookmark. Firstly, it will be in its original design, and secondly, you can choose the color and design yourself. Now we will consider such a master class. The technician will help us well in the manufacture of this product. scrapbooking.

Let's start and take for manufacturing:
• Beer cardboard, strip 5*30 cm;
• Scrappaper;
• Yellow satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
• Colored ribbon made of dense material with a floral print, ribbon width 4 cm;
• Felt daisies;
• Sintepon;
• Yellow metal brads, plain and yellow epoxy in a metal frame;
• White paper cherry flowers;
• Golden metal corners;
• Double-sided tape, glue stick;
• Adhesive tape effect;
• Lighter;
• Ruler, pencil and scissors.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Since our bookmark must be solid and durable, we use beer cardboard as its basis. We cut two strips of padding polyester measuring 5*30 cm.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

We glue the padding polyester onto both sides of the beer cardboard with double-sided tape.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

We cut a strip of yellow tape with reserves in length so that we can pull it. We glue a strip of double-sided tape on the side on one side and on the other side. Glue a strip of yellow tape to the side.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

We glue the same strip on the other side, burn the edges with a lighter, wrap it and hide it inside. We sew along the edge of the entire bookmark.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

We wrap the remaining piece of yellow tape around the entire bookmark, retreating the stock. We glue two strips of double-sided tape.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Glue tape around the entire bookmark.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Now we do the same with the floral ribbon. We wrap and make a reserve for the joint.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

We measure two 5.5*13 cm rectangles from scrap paper. We will use these pieces of scrap paper to decorate the edges of the bookmark.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Cover the bookmark with tape and sew it several times. Now we glue scrap paper to the edges of the bookmark.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

We sew the edges of the bookmark where we have scrap paper. We attach metal corners to the corners of the bookmark.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Now we will decorate the bookmark with daisies. We insert brads into felt daisies, which are in a metal frame. We take apart the cherry flowers, they turn out small and look like daisies, we insert metallic yellow brads inside them.
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Now we glue all the flowers onto the bookmark using adhesive tape effect glue. The bookmark is ready, this is the summer floral bookmark for the book.Thank you for your attention!
Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book

Bookmark for a book
  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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