Lush leather flower

Such a hand-made flower is only at first glance difficult to execute. Its manufacturing process can be divided into simple and understandable steps. Using them, any novice hand maker can create such a floral miracle. This flower is very good to use for decorating clothes. He is large and eye-catching. At your own discretion, you can change the design of the middle of the flower. The end result will be a completely different creation. The main thing is to understand the general principle of creating such colors. A beautiful leather flower is made like this:
1. Draw a diamond-shaped petal on thick paper. This will be a pattern.

a diamond-shaped petal is drawn

2. The pattern is transferred to a leather piece. It is better to make about 36 such petals. If the skin is thin, then 42 is possible.


thin skin

3. Each petal element is lubricated on both sides with PVA glue. It is necessary to ensure that the petal is saturated, but there is no glue on the surface, otherwise it may form an unnecessary white film. After 2 minutes on the film, the petals wrinkle like an accordion. This is necessary to create a beautiful texture. It is better to bend each petal a little so that it looks natural in the finished product.

glue on both sides

the petals wrinkle like an accordion

4. The petals are dried for several hours.

Petals are dried

5. A base is made for attaching the petal elements.You will need a piece of wire. Its end is bent and a loop is created.

The base is being made

6. A little cotton wool is wound around the loop. It is closed at the top with a leather circle. This will be the core. It can be trimmed with beads and sequins.

wrap a little cotton wool

7. Close the wire loop with this leather circle.

Wire loop closes

8. You can fix the circle using an ordinary adhesive plaster.

Fix the circle

9. Using elastic glue that dries quickly, glue the petals one by one.

petals are glued one by one

10. After the formation of the flower rosette is completed, the wire at the bottom is bent and hidden. You can additionally stick another leather circle on the bottom. Then this flower can be sewn on, secured with a brooch pin, or glued.

flower rosette formation

flower rosette formation

flower rosette formation

Lush leather flower

Lush leather flower

Your DIY leather flower is ready!
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