Handmade soap “Chamomile”

Soap making - very interesting leisure time. It is especially valuable because you can do it together with children, creating your own exclusive things. Today I will show you how to make decorative soap “Chamomile”. Everything you need for the job can be bought at a specialized store for soap makers.

We will need

We will need:
• ready-made soap base (hereinafter MO): transparent 45g and white 40g. If you don’t have white, you can easily prepare it yourself by adding titanium dioxide to the transparent base (this cosmetic pigment gives white color to toothpastes and creams). First you need to grind it thoroughly so that there are no lumps;
• mineral green pigment and neon yellow. In two-color soap, it is better to use pigments rather than dyes, because... they do not “crawl” one onto another, which happens with dyes. And neon yellow is brighter than mineral yellow, so I chose it;
• fragrance “cut grass”;
• mold for “Chamomile” soap;
• thick-walled glass (or thick polyethylene) cup. It is needed to melt MO in the microwave;
• dried chamomile flowers – 1 tsp. (sold at the pharmacy). They need to be poured with boiling water and let them steam for a while. Chamomile in soap will work as a natural antiseptic and scrub;
• wooden ladybug for decorating finished soap;
• knife, drill, wooden stick for stirring the MO melt (from the sushi set).

Let's start creating.

Let's start creating

Place finely chopped white MO in a glass and put it in the microwave for a few seconds. Stir the melt with a wooden stick until the MO is completely dissolved. Add 2-3 drops of fragrance into the melt. Fill the mold to half capacity. Let cool for 8-10 minutes.

cooled white part

Using a knife, apply notches in the form of a grid onto the cooled white part of the chamomile. This is done so that the next green layer adheres more tightly to the white one and the soap does not separate later.

melt in the microwave

Let it harden

Finely chop the transparent MO and also melt it in the microwave, stirring well. Add 3-4 drops of green pigment to the melt. Drain the water from the chamomile flowers, squeeze them out and also add them to the melt. We also add 2 drops of fragrance there. You need to add everything quickly, because the MO freezes. If this does happen, then melt it again in the microwave. Photo No. 5. Before pouring the second half, spray the white part with any alcohol (I used formic alcohol from the pharmacy). Pour the green part into the mold until it is full. Let it harden for 10 minutes.


After complete cooling, the soap can be removed from the mold. The result is such a cute soap. You can leave it like that, but we will make it even more attractive.

drill out the white center

To do this, using a large-diameter drill, manually drill out the white center of the soap until it turns green (almost to the full depth).

Preparing the yellow fill

We prepare the yellow fill for the middle, the same way as the previous ones: we melt the transparent MO, paint it yellow and carefully pour it into the drilled hole. Let it harden for 1-2 minutes.

decorate it with a wooden ladybug

The soap is almost ready.All that remains is to decorate it with a wooden ladybug (it is glued with a drop of melted transparent base) and press a few edible poppy seeds into the yellow center. All is ready.

Handmade soap

There is no shame in giving this soap for any occasion, adding it to a beautiful napkin or towel. Good luck.

Author Nalimova T.P.
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Comments (1)
  1. Ekaterina Ulikhina
    #1 Ekaterina Ulikhina Guests February 21, 2014 07:00
    Thanks for the wonderful article! Everything is very clearly laid out and the photographs perfectly complement the instructions. I tried to make chamomile soap - it turned out not bad at all for the first time! :request: :winked:
    Best article!