Decorating the tiles

Many people have probably encountered a situation where, after purchasing an apartment, the interior left over from the previous owners wants to redo it, but there is not enough money. So we find ourselves in this situation. The white “Sovkov” tiles in the kitchen were not at all inspiring, and there was no money for repairs. One day my husband suggested that I paint it. They began to think - what? And then in a stationery store I came across a set of stained glass paints. After a couple of days our kitchen was unrecognizable.
Here's how we did it. I drew elements of the new wallpaper on paper.


draw a sketch

If you don’t dare take up a pencil yourself, now on the Internet you can find a stencil for every taste. Next we attach the selected image to the film. We outline the stencil using an outline (usually black in the kits). I didn't completely outline my drawings, I only outlined some elements to highlight them.

select the outline

Let the outline dry thoroughly, then take the first of the colors and very carefully fill in the corresponding parts of the drawing.
We leave the work for 3 hours so that the paint dries and does not mix with the next one. So fill the drawing one by one with all the necessary colors.


Sometimes the liquid in the tube dries out.Then you can use a needle to free the spout. Be careful, as after this procedure the paint may jump out, forming a large puddle.
After our work has completely dried (it’s better to wait a day), remove it from the film. Here you need to be very careful so that parts of the drawing do not stick together or tear.

wait until it dries

remove it from the film

We transfer the decoretto to the previously washed tile surface and smooth it tightly.

We transfer the decoretto


By gluing

We stick it wherever we want

Decor feature

The peculiarity of this decor is that it is not afraid of moisture. The drawings can be washed. Can be re-glued several times. You can decorate in this way not only tiles, but also any smooth surface - glass, mirror, furniture. But some colors are afraid of the sun. If exposed to constant sunlight, colors may lose their brightness.

We decorate the tiles with our own hands
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